1.The New beginning

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It has been two days since Ainy finished her second public exam which was barrier to choose her path to career. She had passed these two days by chatting with friends and cousins , watching tv serials which not interesting at all. Now her mom starts conversation about her future plans.
           Haleema (Ainy's mom) -  Dear , Sanjana's mother called and said your online classes will start from this Sunday and as your are taking bio you may join from the beginning itself, be serious from now, she will register for all six of you this Saturday, so be ready with needy books.

            Ainy - Ma what's this? how come it's not even two days passed fully and you are talking about classes soon, btw for what subjects Sanjana's mom registering for me and others?

            Haleema - (frowning) This is not like your last exam which you studied in the last minute and some how scored A grades in school term tests , hear seriously Ainy, she is registering for Physics and Chemistry Sanjana taking Maths btw you four are taking Biology, so I and Sakshi 's mother started our cross checks about Bio class even you're not yet aware.

            Ainy - Huh! typical mother, (imitating her mom), I'll call to Sakshi and Sanjana to check how they're doing , and I will go with father to buy books tmr, ok my dear mom(with pleasing eyes). But for now don't disturb me.

           Haleema - You!  OK do what you want but think seriously if you want study Bio please don't even think taking too much fun , got it .

             Ainy - Ma, enough for now, btw when we are going to your hometown I miss my gang so much(with pouting face) .

            Haleema - We are going one day before our hajj festival, leave it what am telling and what you're talking ? You!

            Ainy - Ma please don't beat me , bye I'm gonna call my friends( snatching her mother's phone).

 Mom daughter convo came to end as Ainy moved away to call her buddies, will see what future stores for our childish drama queen Ainy.  

                   Await for more fun and twists!

Bye for now!

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