6.First Quarrel

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It's been two months since results came and a fresh new year had begun. Ainy ,Sakshi, Yashna, Jenny and Bhavya became team of 5 in their classroom, meanwhile they were gang of 7 , outside their class including Sanjana and Vriktha. It was a bad day for Ainy as her mom started to yell at her as she woke up late , turning off her alarm and as her mother and brother broke into fight their home were having heated up argument since morning. And all of their mood were off, and no one was ready to solve it. Somehow Ainy patiently did her work and left school without knowing there was a new problem to her.

Sakshi - Hi! Ainy, why is your face is so dull?

Ainy - Will tell you Sakshi. Let me breathe first.(says angrily😡)

Sakshi- Oho! drama queen👑, Calm down cm lets go to water the plants, it will fix your mood.(smiles).

Ainy - Sorry sorry, Sakshi . Btw thanks for understanding me.

Sakshi - No need of it all cm , cheer up.

Bhavya - Hey what is going on? Ainy I have to speak to you.

Ainy - Ya tell me...(Absent mindedly).

Bhavya - Are you listening to me? it's serious  😡.

Ainy -  Please stop the drama and go on.

Bhavya - Adi, how come you sit near Sakshi without informing me? isn't it wrong di, now Ainy! you're ignoring me.

Ainy- I really didn't take decision alone, it was Sakshi you insisted me sit near her, btw their is a vacant place near Jenny and Yashna you can go there.

Bhavya - Ainy!!!.... I really know about your true colors , didn't you say I said about Sakshi to our house vice captain, you had said to her that I complained about her in her absence. (shouts) You can be protective about Sakshi but it doesn't mean you can complain abt me and create misunderstandings between us, this is your limit, so stay within it, OK GOT IT.

Ainy -  Bhaavya.. Please stop shouting ... Everyone ogling at us. (walks away to washroom).

Sakshi - Ainy ....Ainy ....Stop ...don't cry. why you guys fighting over me please stop. Bhavya it was my decision as we caught up several times talking in chemistry period I thought of shifting places.

Ainy and Bhavya - Ok we'll leave it here. 

Jenny and Yashna - Sorry di, Although we are friends we can't interfere in the matters which we aren't in ryt. But as you guys got back together let's have grp hug. Ok chill flower girl and Madam Bhavya.

Ainy thought there can't be any other worst day other than this but in end with their efforts they all left their ego and got together, Jenny teased Ainy calling her using funny names for her expressions. Ainy was not only a drama queen but also an expressionist as well. She was hoping there shouldn't be more silly fights they all have to stick together, she prayed they all remain same until last.

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