8. Ainy's inner voice

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It was April 3rd ,2023. Fasting season had started for Ainy's fam. Ainy had gone to Jenny's birthday party the day before. In last month's end Yashna too celebrated her birthday but her friends were unable to give gift as it came on a school day, and their school never allowed to bring presents. Ainy has just returned from the class and having chai in her room with snacks, while having chai she thought how her life has become blessed with her 6 friends and her one only personal diary - who was Zain. She started thinking about her and each and every person's relationship in her mind. 

                        Ainy - First of all , Jenny , what an unexpected friendship was us. I never thought I would become so close to you. The way you tease me , the way you play duet with Yashna, the way you keep everyone happy is something really caught me.  Although I fear your anger I admire your beauty , charming personality . The way you sing song and irritate all of us, the way feel for breakup song although you never experienced one and above all your nuisances which entertain me a lot. The way you complain of daily routine, the way you blabber things which is so cute. Seriously I got happy tears when you got investiture as a prefect as I got it. More than that there is no any specific reason for me to love you, but you're so special to me Jenny. 

( Smiles to herself).  I also love your tom boyish acts , I remember you locked me near our classroom window while saying Bhavya about this is how  couple's romance I blushed all the way along.  And you just started to tease me. 

Next my soul sisy Yashna, who made me read books again. And taught me to love nature and I really embrace our rain watching in classroom. It makes me happy, the way you admire me, especially saying me 'cute' and 'handy pack' makes me 'whoa' every time. Stem program made us really to come closer and really I love the way you and Bhavya admire 'Virat Kohli', it's so special when we love someone we never met, that will pure. I like to embrace our memories of  chitchatting which about books, 'NP - Preetha', I really like their series. Your recommendation on such things always makes my dumbstruck.  I always get awestruck how you look only positive side of people. I keep watching our photos together in ' MAS' especially the mirror selfie with kitten icon.   A single chat with you makes my day, and I hate holidays which separate us by kilometers  and not letting me to see you. In next birth I wish I get a elder sister like who will be my only mine too.

Moving on I'll tell about Sakshi, I never thought we will be together . First we sat together and fought for it and later on we have become crime partner, I never hesitate to share anything with you, the way you all my dramas and tantrums patiently changed my perspective abt you which I had earlier, I will  really miss our one to one friendship which has grown over past two years, thanks to Sanjana who gave us space to makes us closer than before, otherwise we would have never become closer. Our little secrets, you calming personality when I get burst out, and the way you join others and tease me is a new side  of you which I couldn't see in O/L. I feel very ease when I share my problems regarding studies, the way we both tease and mock each other.  And when I say I want to jump you too insist to jump, we both tease our teachers every memory is priceless including memories we made in stem too.

Bhavya, this name use to make me angry but destiny turned me closer to you in hard times I really love the way face problems bravely, and chitchat about controversy topics and when you deal things maturely it makes  me go dumbstruck. Thanks for memories we shared, and thanks to being an invisible backbone to me. The way you made effort to understand me is priceless as we have most of things to disagree with each other, despite  all the difference we both mutually intends not to hurt each other made our bond grow stronger. 

                   Haleema - Ainyy....Ainy..... What are you doing? Come out of  the room. (Ainy's inner voice got startled because of her mom's screaming, Ainy wondered what her mom up to).

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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