7.Cousins Meetup

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It was March 5th,2023. Zain and his family had come to see Ainy's father. It has been 4 months since Ainy's father met with accident. Ainy was studying inside her room as she had physics exam in her new class. She and Sakshi joined that class a week ago after many struggles with the help of Sanjana's mom's recommendation. So sir asked them prove their selves that they were fit to his class. So Ainy was getting ready to battle, Ainy hated that sir in beginning as he always nag late joiners to his class but little did they both know destiny will change Ainy to inspire him and make her to become successful as him. Ainy's mom called her to inform her cousin's family's arrival.

                  Haleema - Ainy! Ainy Ainy..... cm Zain has cm. (Ainy kept her book away and adjusted her dupatta and ran out excitedly)
                   Ainy - Hi! Alien how are you, looks you have become more fat(says chucklingly). 

( Actually Zain was so thin but he was extremely tall like a giraffe.)

                  Zain- Hi, madam btw why you have become so tall ? ( mocks Ainy as she is short).

                  Ainy - Auntyyy, look at him how he is teasing me.  Your son is so rude towards me.(pouts). (Meanwhile Ainy's mom taps her head for being childish.) Maa.. It hurts. (Zain chuckles). 

(Ainy thought taking revenge of Zain in her mind(just cousins rivals). Ainy started serving tea and short eats she served her uncle and aunt but when  it was Zain's turn she kept it in table so Zain had to take them by himself. Now cousin duo started to talk.)

                  Zain - How are your studies going? miss shorty!

                  Ainy - It's good . What did you said in last repeat it?
                 Zain - Nothing I just called you by a new nick name 'miss shorty'.  Btw it's not a bad nick name Nani calls Keerthi in movie called 'Nenu Local', haven't you watched it?

                Ainy - How dare you ? They were doing it for movie it's different from reality man. You're discriminating me !!

               Zain - Oho , stop it you told me Alien and I told you shorty now it's end leave it. I'm not going to stay here so we'll stop fighting and chat for a while. Btw aunt said you have exam if you want to study go in and continue with it.

               Ainy -  Exams ! now only I remember I have doubts I will ask btw what's your favorite subject in A/L?

              Zain - Chemistry, why are you asking so suddenly?

              Ainy -  Just  to confirm, you liked it because of chemical reactions ryt, Aha now I remember you said you will tell me abt you butterfly moment in person.

             Zain- I will, first let me help with your doubts.

             Ainy - Don't think I will forget that matter (chuckles).

(Zain helped Ainy with her doubts, Ainy started wondering how come he got such average results in first shy, after they finished studying. They ate together. And Ainy started roasting Zain again.)

             Ainy - So tell me abt your butterfly moment( giggles).
             Zain -   I really don't why are so interested in it. It wasn't that much serious I loved and sighted a girl but she loved someone else and married him. That's all.

            Ainy - Did you proposed her? (with curiosity) And belated birthday wishes!.

           Zain -  You remembered! Obviously no caz it was one side love.

           Ainy - Oh so sorry. ( roasts Zain with laughing).

As soon as Ainy went to class Zain's family left. And next day she was chitchatting abt her dearest cousins with her gang. Little did she know that destiny and god had planned to make them closer and then to separate them suddenly leaving Ainy in another trauma. Ainy was recollecting memories next day in school as well as in home. And she was waiting for Zain's message.

                                                    Hi guys how was the chapter?

                                                              Hope you will enjoy.     

                                                             Next will be Ainy's pov await  for it.

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