4.Abrubt trauma

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Ainy started going to physical Chemistry class , as she left the online class because she couldn't catch up to that speed, she, Jenny and Sakshi were new to that class but eventually they became their sir's favorites. On one fine Sunday Ainy came home after her class, her mom said there were 3 missed calls from her father. When her mom ranged to Ainy's father : a complete stranger was talking on other end, frightened Ainy's mom gave the phone to Ainy, Ainy started speaking.

                 Ainy -  Hello, who is this?
                3rd person -  Yh , Who are you to this person?

                Ainy - I'm his daughter.

                3rd person - Oh ,he has met with an accident while travelling . After 2 hours of struggling we somehow managed to take him out from the vehicle and had sent in ambulance to 'Mirigama Base hospital', please check on.

               Ainy - Ok uncle thank you so much.

              Haleema - Ainy what's wrong? why are your eyes seems to be watery? What happened to your father, why didn't he talk?

              Ainy - Maa.. Maa... Father...Father... met with an accident... , and taken to 'Mirigama Base hospital'.

             Haleema - What are you blabbering Ainy? isn't  your father pranking us .. Please tell me he is pranking (sobbing).

             Ainy -  Maa... Calm down it's our fate to face this we have to be brave. We'll see what we can do , Keep calm  mom. Let me call aunt.

This is how Ainy's life changed in splinted second she was dearest for her father, as he favors her all the time no matter how much her mom throw tantrums, Ainy felt like her world crashing down she couldn't hold anymore but she planned to stay strong for her mother and brother for the first time. Let's wait and see how Ainy face this phase and overcome the situation patiently. For the first time she felt she was carrying world on her shoulders, and started feeling that her maturity starts to begin.

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