Chapter 2

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     It's dawn outside and the sun is slowly rising behind the horizon; Sage wakes up first, slowly pulling herself out of Alton's embrace and getting out of bed. She silently searched around for the key, but then remembered that Alton had put it in the front pocket of his pants. "The freaking hell," she thought, "how can I get the key out of his pocket without waking him up? I'll try because I have no other choice."

    She slowly leaned over the bed, moved the blanket to the side and reached for his front pocket, but she blushed at the mere thought that it was too close to the most sensitive part of a man's body, and wondered if it was worth even trying. She put herself together and slowly touched the edge of his pocket, then carefully slipped her hand inside and reached for the key...

      Alton (wakes up and snatches the key from her hands): "Is this what you're looking for? Can't get it. (puts the key back in his pocket) You're not going anywhere. (gets out of bed) Good escape attempt, but failed." Sage (laughs nervously): "Go to hell. (gets up and stands next to the window) Too bad I don't know how to pick a lock, I wouldn't have to bother with one damn key." Alton (playfully, approaches her): "The key is here, you can only kill me to get to it. If you want to get out of here, go ahead. (spreads his arms)" Sage (shrugs): " I can also tie you to a bed or a chair and take it myself." Alton (laughs): "Oh, have we gotten to BDSM yet? If that's what you want, tie me up, I won't resist. (laughs)" Sage (blushes): "What?! No! (apparently hits him with her hand) I didn't mean that! Uh, it doesn't even matter."

Alton (smiles): "You're blushing again. (kisses her) You're so cute when you blush, like the time I was shirtless in front of you." Sage (purses her lips nervously and exhales): "Yes... On the day of our first kiss. Time just flies. (looks through window) Nobody knows about the two of us yet." Alton: "At least it's easy for them to find out, if you ever get tired of no one knowing." Sage: "For now, I like it this way in secret, even though we have no reason to hide. The only awkward thing is when Reydan mentions that we're family and if I'm like a sister to all of you, then I have a strange feeling in my stomach. (shrugs his shoulders)" Alton: "You're not like a sister to me, you're the love of my life. (kisses her forehead) You're my little angel and little devil at the same time, my princess - since I'm a prince, then you're my princess, right? " Sage (close to him): "That's too vanilla. Let's be a count and countess and not live in a fairy-tale pastel-colored castle, but in a dark gothic castle. Instead of brightly colored ball gowns, I'd wear dark robes, and instead a prince on a white horse, I would have a Count on a black one." Alton (sighing): "Sounds wonderful. We would be like Morticia and Gomez Adams. I just need to grow a mustache. (laughs)" Sage (getting sad): "I would have to change a lot more to be like Morticia, she's perfect." Alton (looks into her eyes): "And you are perfect for this Gomez. I love you, Sage." Sage: "I love you too, Count on the Black Horse. (smile)"

     They brought their lips closer to each other and indulged in a more passionate kiss, lightly running their hands over each other's torsos. They were interrupted by a knock on the door, and Alton let out a heavy breath, kissed Sage's lips once more and went to open the door.

   Hale (entering): "Did everything go well?" Alton (nodding): "We had a bit of an argument about the key because she wanted to sneak out, but the rest went relatively smoothly." Hale: "Well, that, I see that something happened, both of you are red in the face. (the two look at each other, then look down shyly) How are you doing now, Sage?" Sage: "It's okay, we can go home." Hale: "Look, Reydan is right, maybe it would be wise for you to go to some kind of therapy, you would be doing that at the same time as the band. There's no replacement, there's no need for that." Sage: "You don't have to feel guilty about suggesting I take a break, I know you said it for my own good. I can try therapy." Alton: "Don't just have a hidden meaning like when you said you're going to "help yourself after the tour" and you meant suicide." Sage: "There's no hidden meaning, I know I need professional help." Hale (nodding): "Good. But, be carefull what you do, we're watching you. (Shade comes in) Oh, good morning, sir, did you get some sleep?" Shade (rubs his eyes): "I dreamed that I was eating a hotdog, and they didn't have mustard or mayonnaise at the kiosk... What does that mean?" Hale: "It means you're hungry. (laughter)" Shade (nods his head): "Hell yeah, I am. Let's go eat, so they can take us back where we came from. (laughter) I'm just going to wake up Casanova, now I'm going to annoy him a little bit... Okay guys, see you later! (waves and leaves)" Hale (shout after him): "Pack on time, I won't wait for you like last time! (To Alton and Sage) Pack your things too, Sage, I'll pack your things, Alti, and I'll bring them to you, don't leave the room. She promises anything and everything, but she knows how to fool us in the blink of an eye - right, Sage?" Sage (smiles): "Then you know me well, Hale. Kudos to you for noticing." Alton: "Don't worry, she won't run away from me. (Hale leaves, he turns to Sage) Let's pack up and go down, I'm hungry as a wolf too." Sage (nodding): "Okay, I'll be quick."

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