Chapter 14

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      Preparations before the concert are over, all that's left is to go on stage. Shade (hurriedly): "Where did I put the other drum stick?!" Hale (to Shade): "You put it the back of your jeans." Shade (turns around): "Oh, there it is! Thanks, bro." Hale (laughing): "No problem, always there for you. (to Reydan) Did you tune your bass guitar? Reydan: "Everything is arranged. (to Sage) So, the last song we're doing is a cover of Billy Idol's "White Wedding," right?" Sage (nods): "Right. Before that are our songs, before the big finale." Hale: "That's right, everything is as agreed. (Shade enters the stage) Here we are... Time to go to the stage again! I love this feeling! (exits a few seconds after Shade)" Alton (to Sage): "Will you sing "White Wedding" as smoothly and seductively as "Rebel yell"?" Sage: "Maybe a little bit, why?" Alton (sigh): "When you sing like that, you create certain reactions in my body, my longing for you increases." Sage (seductively): "Don't worry about it, we'll take care of it after the concert. (smiles, kisses him and he goes on stage)"

     They held a concert to remember, hired a concert recording crew to make a DVD of the live concert. Before the last song, Hale asked Sage over the microphone: "Sage, why is this concert called "Metal wedding"? Does that have any meaning? (winks)" Sage (to audience): "Maybe... (a woman with a book in her hands enters the stage) Dear audience, thank you for giving me inspiration to create and be better all these years, especially thanks to the guys from the band who have become like family to me, and one of them... (Alton walks up and kisses her on the forehead)... is about to become my husband. Welcome to our metal wedding! (the audience is doing ovations and applause is heard) The wives of the other band members are with us (they come on stage), big applause for them too! (audience applauds, Sage looks at Alton) Well, Count on the Black Horse, shall we begin the ceremony?" Alton (kisses her, audience cheers again): "Of course, Countess. (smiles)"

     While the boys were getting Alton ready, Alice fixed Sage's makeup, Meryan gave her a wedding ring, and Olivia bouquet with flowers in different shades of blue and purple, two of their favorite colors. Sage and Alton stood in front of each other, smiled and gave their consent to be married, then kissed again. Sage then tossed a bouquet into the audience, after which they returned to their instruments to sing a cover of "White Wedding", and later continued the celebration in a smaller circle of people, surrounded by family, friends and those they care about.


      Almost two decades later:

    Five young people are sitting in the room of Hale's daughter Lorian and listen to music. There are: Conner (age 18), Reydan's first son, Lorian (age 18), Hale's daughter, Adrian (age 17), Sage's and Alton's son, Jana (age 16), Reydan's daughter with Olivia and Adrian's girlfriend, as well as Hale's son Leo (16 years old). On the radio starts a song from the band "Blue Tower".

    Lion: "Well, here are our old ones! (moves his head to the rhythm of the music) This album was their best." Conner: "I liked the third and fifth the most." Lorian: "They sound best on this last one, definitely." Adrian: "Our band has a completely different sound, we're not going to copy them. (laughs) But, really, they're a big inspiration to us." Jana: "Maybe we won't be as popular as them, but I hope we'll be as united as them. They went through everything together, they reconciled the family and the band... I admire them." Adrian (kisses her): "One day we will do that too." Lorian: "The concert starts at eight o'clock, dad is driving us all, mom will come later. There will be a large audience, all tickets are sold out. I'm really nervous, we've never been an opening act at such a big show." Conner: "What did Jana's and my father say? Play like you have until now and you'll be great!" Leo: "Okay, guys, let's go in order - Conner, have you tuned your bass?" (Conner confirms) Lorian, did you tune your guitar? (Lorian confirms) Adrian, have you warmed your throat? (Adrian confirmed) Jana, have you adjusted the keyboards? (Jana confirmed) Okay, I have the drums ready too, then we'll go to the dad to drive us, we'll practice one more time before the start."

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