Chapter 12

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    Day by day, that month passed. Shade's bullet wound was completely closed, the redness was still visible, but the pain was significantly reduced. He wasn't allowed to be very active yet, but he started light exercises. Reydan and Olivia were preparing the wedding, but they were waiting for Meryan and Hale to become parents as far as the date was concerned, and that was already very close. And Reydan's first child was due to be born these days, together with Olivia he chose a gift for the baby. Alice was about to leave the clinic within the next month, Shade couldn't wait to get back to their apartment. She looked less sick and her eyes regained clarity, she also gained back a few pounds. Shade told himself he wasn't going to smoke another joint, he wanted as few triggers around her as possible. Sage and Alton came out, although there was no radical change in Sage's behavior compared to the earlier period, but she was functioning better in terms of balance, memory and association of information, as well as other functions that were slowed after the hanging attempt. Her speech returned, she could not speak as before immediately after leaving the hospital, but she could say longer sentences. She was also trying to sing, but it was still too early for that, Alton was pleased that she had recovered this much - he was worried that she would stay like in the beginning or that her symptoms would worsen.

    The first significant event was the birth of Reydan's first child, a healthy boy. The band members were with him in the hospital, wishing him to have children with Olivia soon as well. A few days later, Meryan was also admitted to the hospital after contractions started, and it was time for Hale to become a father as well. However, instead of the expected son, he got a daughter.

    Hale is looking at the baby through the window after birth's delivery, Sage approaches him. Sage (comes closer): "Are you disappointed that it didn't go the way you planned?" Hale (sighs): "Well, a little bit, honestly. I wanted to teach my son a lot of things that I know, looks like it'll wait until further notice. It seems that little Lorian will learn more from her mother." Sage (smiles): "Us daughters are usually more attached to our fathers, you can greatly influence our perception, our life. I was ready to give my life for my father, he was the center of my world. I know you'll love little Lorian and that you will take care of her, and in return you'll receive unconditional love that will last for a lifetime, no matter what." Hale (smiles): "So you think I'll be good dad? (Sage smiles and nods) I hope so. I can teach her to play too if she likes it. (laughs) I'll defend this little creature with my life."

    After Alice got out of the hospital, Reydan and Olivia's wedding was already ready, so everyone gathered. Reydan: Well, guys, it's time to finally release that album, it's gonna get dusty! (laughs)" Alton: "Shade, Sage and I started preparations, the date was announced and we made some announcements to warm up the audience. We have even more fans than before, and we haven't done anything." Hale: Well, technically, the media wrote about the failed shooting and other things that happened, so they have some part in that, and the other part is the fact that more people discovered our music. (Sage) How's the voice practice going?" Sage: "I started singing easier songs, so far I don't sound the best, but I'm trying. I'm practicing every day to get my voice back as soon as possible." Alice: "That's great progress! You don't have any concerts for now anyway, just promotion, you'll recover by then." Meryan: "This was a very stormy period for all of us, now we all deserve a big break. (smile) How about we all go somewhere together for the holidays? The destination doesn't matter, we're comfortable with each other wherever we are." Shade: "Yes! The album is scheduled for next month - we're shooting the video that is the introduction to the album, then going on a trip, after that we're coming back to promote the album." Olivia: "And it will be like a mini honeymoon for the two of us, considering that we couldn't travel at the moment, there will be February vacation and we will fit everything in." Reydan (nodding): "You'll see how fun is to travel with them, if we didn't have fun on the trips our heads would explode from driving!" Shade (grin): "Then I'll drive you on the tractor." Alice: "You won't drive the tractor, (laughs) but I like the idea of buying a house in a nearby village, to go when we have free time." Reydan (to Shade): "Do you want to keep turkeys and name one after me? (laughter)" Shade: "No! You're the only one enough for me, I don't need more of them! (laughter)" Reydan: "Eh, I thought I'd give you one as a present when you get married! (laughs)" Shade: "I'm going to get married, I'm just waiting for my mustache to grow. (touches above his lips) I want to look like a traditional man!" Alice (laughs): "You don't need a moustache, once upon a time it was customary that a guy is ready for marriage when he grows a moustache. As for me, we can go to the registrar whenever you want and get married, I don't mind. (laughter)" Shade: "Really, will you?" Alice: "I will whenever you want too." (smile)" Hale: "Wow, is that a proposal?!" Olivia (smile): "It seems like a it's domino effect in your band." Shade: "Let's finish promoting the album first and then we'll do it, to make it look like something." Alice: "Okay. That's it, we've agreed on that, you're all invited to wedding number three! (laughter)" Meryan (looks at Alton and Sage): "And then there's one more couple left." Alton: "We're not in hurry, Sage needs to recover and that's a priority." Sage (slowly nodding): "Right, it's not the right time for the two of us to talk about that. But I'm glad for all of you, of course. (smile)" Hale: "Today we are concentrating on our newlyweds, and then on everything else in order. Anyway, in the end everything comes on its place." Everyone (raised their glasses and toasted): "Long live the newlyweds!"

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