Chapter 5

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   Morning; Sage and Alton eat breakfast and head out of town, stopping at the place Sage mentioned. Since it's already cherry season, they went to the old cherry tree where Sage used to go as a child, it was a bit difficult to get there but they managed.

    Alton (putting up a picnic blanket): "It was hard to find this place, but it was worth it. (looks at the tree) At least we'll eat a lot of cherries. (laughs)" Sage (smiles): "Yeah. (puts cherry in mouth) They're ripe enough and tasty." Alton (getting closer): "Let me try. (kisses her) Um, they're delicious." Sage (laughs): "Take them and eat them normally. (hands him a cherry) When the sour cherries arrive, you can use them instead of your blood when... (pauses)" Alton: "So, you liked it last time as soon as you plan again! (laughs) Just kidding. (comes closer) Blood is the least of problems, only if you like it." Sage: "We can do it without blood. At least not yours. I don't want you to get hurt." Alton (pulling her close to him): "Well, you see, I don't want you to get hurt either, but you still do it. But okay, next time it will be without my blood, I promise, I won't worry you. But I told you to be carefull what you do, don't get stuck in the ER for that." Sage: "Don't worry. (rubs eyes) Either I'm really tired, or this nature is really so calm and makes me sleepy. (yawn)" Alton (lean his back against a tree): "Sleeping is sweetest in nature. (smile) Let's get some sleep and then we'll head home later, I'll be more rested for driving. (Sage puts her head on his torso) You're also right about us being tired, we've been worrying about a lot of things lately. I can't stop thinking about the fact that I almost lost you, I might as well be dead by now..." Sage: "Try not to think about it, we're both alive." Alton: "I'm trying, but I keep worrying that you won't get into that state again..." Sage (kisses him on the cheek): "Don't worry, I'm fine for now. I'm not jumping around with happiness, but it's tolerable. Are you okay?" Alton (surprised): "Me? Yes, why? Nothing is wrong with me. I'm a little worried about the family situation, but..." Sage: "You see, there is a problem. We have to work on it in the coming period, we have a concert there soon." Alton (nodding): "Okay, there's something to it. But now, at this moment, I don't want to think about it. Now I want to take a nap in nature together with you, nothing else matters to me."

     In the next month, Shade fully recovered from his injury, Reydan started a serious relationship with Olivia and was in a better mood than before, Hale renovated the baby's room. Alice was acting more and more strange and it couldn't be hidden anymore, Shade suspected she was lying to him that she was off drugs, but he never found any evidence among her things, so he couldn't accuse her without proof. Alton and Sage didn't go any further as far as intimacy was concerned, only repeating what they had already done on several occasions. They added several dates for concerts in their country, including one in Sage's hometown and one in the place where Alton's father lives, even though he was afraid to face him and the memories.

   Cloudy day; The band members took the day off after three consecutive days of rehearsals. Alton is reading a book in the room, music comes from the bathroom along with Sage singing. He got up and went to the door, knocked but she didn't hear him, so he opened it slowly. She was in a bubble bath, so absorbed in the song "Do not Disturb" by the band Halestorm that she didn't even notice when Alton entered. He wanted to sneak out, but she flinched and turned off the music. Sage (covering her breasts with her hands): "When did you come in? I didn't hear you." Alton: "I heard music so I wondered what it was, you don't usually play music while bathing. I apologize for intruding. (looks down) You don't have to hide them, I already saw them in several occasions." Sage (blushing): "I know, but I can't get used to it. No problem, everything is fine, I played music to relax better..." Alton (curiously): "Why you played that song? Since I don't see any blood - so you didn't hurt yourself, then what were you doing? Judging by your deep breathing, I can assume, considering your right hand was under water." Sage (blushing even more): "Okay, I did. I played music so I could feel that energy, only with music I can completely let go and actually enjoy it, to be present in this moment as I always think ahead. Pathetic, I know." Alton: "You know, that's not a bad idea. (plays that song again and starts undressing) You've satisfied me on more than one occasion, and you never let me pay you back - maybe now is the time. (enters the tub, Sage looks away as he enters) Of course, if you want to." Sage (getting closer to him leaning on her knees): "Try, but I have to warn you I am quiet, I don't know if you'll make it." Alton (kissing her passionately): "I'll know by your breathing if nothing else."

The Artists live (a little bit longer)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora