Chapter 13

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    All band members, their partners and little Lorian went on a short vacation to one of the mountains. During the day they would walk, spend time in the various activities available at that time of year, while in the evening they would sit together, dine, dance and talk.

     One evening, Alton and Sage sat on a bench near the motel in embrace and talked. Sage: "You know, we never come to that topic, but... Have you ever thought about marriage, about children, about things like that? We are constantly questioned about it, but I don't know what our common opinion is on it. You said a few months ago that you don't want children, has that remained the same? As far as I'm concerned we don't even have to think about it, it's a complicated subject anyway..." Alton (looks at her): "Not so complicated when it comes to me - I want to get married, even though it's just a formality and doesn't define my love and commitment to you. (smiles) Did you start reading my mind?" Sage (surprised): "Why?" Alton (takes the box out of his pocket): "Because I already had it in mind. (opens the box where the ring is) I know you're not a fan of rings, this is symbolic, just to make it official. (shy smile) you want us, the next time when someone asks us about engagement and marriage, to say we're married? Do you want to marry me?" Sage (smiling): "Are you sure you want to marry me? Until now, you had a chance to escape, this is how it will be official. (laughter)" Alton (laughter): "I've been tied up for a long time, and I don't want to run away, not from you." Sage (looks at him lovingly): "Then let's make it official. I accept, but don't complain afterwards. (laughs)" Alton (puts the ring on her finger): "We've been through a lot and I know we can go to the end of the world together. (kisses her) Actually, without you, I wouldn't even want to be anywhere else." Sage (resting her head on his chest): "Then we'll continue to go through everything together."

   Alice and Shade are sitting in the room. Shade (takes out the disc and puts it in the laptop): "Do you want to see something? (Alice sits down next to him) The director gave us our copies before he deleted all the scenes. (a clip of his scene appears) You know, when I was at that club where you worked, I thought I'd find you dancing around the pole." Alice (laughing): "Oh come on, who would want to look at my B-cups? (laughs) Those girls who danced had something to show. (winks)" Sage: "I didn't stare much at them, I came to search for you, but don't think that someone doesn't like that too (points to himself and winks)" Alice (looks at the screen): "You have a talent for this, but you're goofy in the video. (laughter)" Shade: "Ah, that's the beginning, I didn't fast forward to when we filmed how it should look like. I made a compilation with the "safer" scenes of the others and this one of mine since I'm not shy, I showed them and told them I'd delete it completely if they didn't like it, they liked how I did it. I put the song we made for the video, this is like a short clip from the video but it looks really cool, it's really powerful. It would be a shame if we didn't do anything with the scenes, (plays the clip for her) look how good it is!" Alice (looks delighted): "You make these compilations very well, you put everything together perfectly! It has such a seductive dark atmosphere, but it's not too much like the rest of the video you described to me. Only these scenes of yours are more provocative, but you did it moderately and seductively. (laughs) You should be a director." Shade: "You think so?" Well, everyone complimented me on how I did the video, I am really thinking about it - you gave me an idea and an incentive. (laughter)" Alice (plays the first clip again): "Now wait until I watch this first video to the end." Shade (smiles): "It's like you haven't seen everything live until now. (starts to dance like in the video) I can remind you if you want." Alice (sitting more comfortably): "This time it will be for my eyes only. Maybe I'll try it later too." Shade (joyfully): "I'd like to see that, and after that... Since we'll be appropriately dressed anyway... We can do a little more. (wink)" Alice: "You won't mind the pain from the wound?" Shade (waves his hand): "Oh, I can barely feel it." Alice (smiles): "Then let's renew the material."

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