Chapter 10

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   With Sage being held in a mental hospital for a month, the release of the album was delayed until further notice. Maryan was also due to give birth soon, so Hale spent more time with her and helped her, the birth of Reydan's child was also approaching. He drank more and more, unable to get over Olivia, secretly hoping something would change even though he knew he couldn't erase the fact that Janet was pregnant, even if it was just a one-night stand.

    After a few days Alton talked to the doctor about Sage's condition. Doctor (sigh): "It's not good, patients who survive hanging go through agony later because the brain is severely damaged, and the brain cannot be regenerated. There are natural remedies like lion's mane mushroom, I will add that to the therapy and I can repair the damage a bit, it will be good if it has a positive effect. I hope she has a good chance of recovery as you reacted quickly, with any choking being dangerous, I also did my best to save her vocal cords as she is a vocalist in your band - there is a possibility that she may not sound like before, if she gets voice back, because the noose was very tight around her throat." Alton: "Honestly, at this point I don't care if we both quit music together, just for her to be okay. How is she now, how is she acting?" Doctor: "So far I have given a diagnosis of depression and anxiety, but it takes more time to see what else is wrong with the psyche, the case is more complex than it seems. Therefore, I would like to ask you to tell me your experience with her since you have known her and everything you know about her life before that, maybe I will be able to create a better clinical picture, since I do not believe that this way I will get much out of her. At the moment she doesn't speak, probably because of pain or damage, she writes down if she needs something, although she doesn't cooperate much anyway. All in all, she is not very active, partly because of worsening depression but also because of brain damage. (looks at him) Don't blame me for saying this, but studying your behavior I noticed that you also have some problem, maybe it's something temporary because of this situation, but I see that there is something about you too." Alton (thinking) : "Hm... How come that didn't occur to me before... (looks at the doctor) You're right - I have a mental problem too. (gets up) Okay, doctor, I'll see you later."

    Reydan went to Olivia's house, wanting to beg her for forgiveness. He knew he had nothing to lose, he had lost the only person he wanted in his life anyway, so it couldn't be any worse than now.

   Reydan knocked on the door of Olivia's house. Olivia (opens the door): "I won't be rude to slam the door in your face, but I don't want to talk to you and we don't have anything to talk about. I should have just congratulated you on becoming a father, instead of just rushing out of the restaurant, I should have known about manners. So what do you have to say?" Reydan: "Olivia, I don't want a child with Janet, I was with her for one night and that's all! I want you, I want children with you, I want us to live a peaceful family life, just like you wanted as well!" Olivia: "You're going to be a father soon - are you going to abandon that child that's not not guilty of anything? Do you want him to grow up without a father figure? If this is the situation, it would be fair if you marry that girl and start a family with her, it's not about you and me anymore, it's about the child who will grow up without a father!" Reydan: "I talked to Janet after all, she goes back to her first husband. He can't have children, so he wants to accept the child as his own. Of course, I'll be a part of his life, I'm a conscientious person about it. Maybe... Maybe you better not get into this mess, you deserve better. I just wanted to wish you to find a person without such a turbulent past like me, I will try somehow to forget you too, but it will be difficult because I miss you too much. For your sake I'll take a courage, be a man and let you be happy, sorry for everything."

He turned and walked towards the gate with a heavy step. He could no longer bear the pain that had consumed him until now, he fell to his knees and cried. Olivia ran to him and hugged him, sensing that he was really broken by everything, she helped him up, brought him inside to drink coffee and calm down.

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