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     After detention, she was hanging out with Jacob in his dormitory. They sat side by side on his bed, the light of the moon streaming through the window and the smell of pot clinging to the air.

They were listening to an old Eminem album that he owned on a rusty stereo.

Quinn groaned softly, taking another hit of the joint. "God, I've never had such a bad detention. He's such a dick.."

He chuckled, exhaling smoke as the beat to 'Stan' began to play. "You're still going on about that old guy? You're really worked up over this, huh?"

"Yeah, I am," she tore a hand through her hair and let out a sigh. "He acts like he's my fucking dad or something, and that he knows everything about me."

He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "What exactly did you do to make him hate you so much? He's never really paid much attention to me, but I can tell he's got some vendetta against you."

Quinn leaned her head back against the wall as she took another drag of the joint, relishing in the taste. "Nothing, I'm just in his personal care at the Academy or some shit.."

"Huh..." he said, trying to wrap his mind around the idea. "He's just being a dick to you because he's your guidance counselor?"

"More like guardian," she said, changing the record on the stereo as she exhaled a cloud of twirling smoke.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at her in confusion. "What? You mean legally, or...?"

"No, I ment guardian angel."

"Yes, legally," she nodded with a sigh, taking a deep drag of the burning joint between her fingers before passing it back to him.

He chuckled, taking the joint gladly. "Wait... You mean your parents had custody yanked? You're like, a ward of the state or something?"

She let out a small chuckle, leaning back against the wall. "Basically, yeah. My pops is in prison and I never knew my mom. As I said, this place is my last resort."

"Damn, that's fucked up." Jacob said, shaking his head in sympathy. "My family's pretty messed up too, but at least I've got my mom. She's... kind of a space cadet, but she loves me and my sisters. I couldn't imagine having one of my parents locked up."

"Eh, It's not that bad. We call pretty much monthly and I get to hear all the crazy shit that happens over there," she replied, smiling at the idea

She let out a small snicker at his reaction and smoked the joint.

Hours passed as they continued to speak about various topics, from their past to their aspirations and back again. They were really beginning to get to know each other, and it felt great to have a friend at the academy.

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