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The next morning, Quinn and Maddy were sitting in their dorm, eating bagels from the cafeteria and sipping iced coffee. They were both draped over the brown-leather sofas, having breakfast.

Maddy looks up at her, a skeptical eyebrow arching as she watches her friend carefully. "So, did you really just hangout with Jacob, or did you do... you know...? The deed?"

"What? God, no," Quinn shook her head with a laugh as she sipped her coffee. "He's a nice guy to be friends with and all, but nothing more for me."

She raised an eyebrow, not looking completely convinced. "Yeah, sure you didn't. Just casually sitting around on his bed, smoking, listening to his favorite music, totally platonic."

She dropped her head into her hands with a groan. "Jesus.. why did everyone think we fucked?"

"You were alone with a dude after-hours in his dorm and then come back the next morning looking like you got three hours of sleep." She said, matter-of-factly. "Can you really blame us for assuming?"

She sighed. "Ugh, I know.. but I can promise you that wasn't because of Jacob. It was just a long ass day, and Gardner caught me walking back to my dorm at midnight... had a whole argument 'bout it."

"Gardner? As in Mr. 'You're going to detention because you talked back?' Mr. 'I always look like I have a stick up my ass' Mr. 'My wife left me and I hate everyone now so you need to suffer' Gardner?" Maddy said, mimicking the man's voice perfectly. "That Gardner?"

"Mhm, that's him," she nodded tiredly, moving a hand through her hair. "Apparently he thought me and Jacob did something as well."

Her eyes widened and she immediately stopped drinking her coffee. "Please tell me that the old dude didn't think you and Jacob did it."

"He did. And when I told him I didn't do anything, he questioned if Jacob would take advantage of me. Fucking sicko.."

Her expression was one of disgust and revulsion. "Dude, Mr. Gardner's been smoking crack if he thinks Jacob would do something that messed up. The dude couldn't hurt a fly, even if he tried."

"Exactly! He's just doing anything at this point to punish me for some bullshit," she said as she sipped the last of her coffee.

"It just goes to show how messed up Mr. Gardner is, that he would accuse Jacob, the chillest dude in the school, of something like that." She shook her head in disgust and sighed. "I think that old bastard really needs to start going to those guidance counselor meetings. He's clearly got some repressed issues that he needs to talk out with someone."

She thought about Maddy's words for a moment, and it was true. He really did need to get some therapeutic session - or just a bigger bottle of whiskey.

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