Chapter 5

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Authors pov:

The morning sun seeped into her room, slowly illuminating the empty space where her boyfriend usually stayed. She blinked her watery eyes open, and a small wave of grief washed over her. It had only been a day since her boyfriend had broken up with her, and she was still struggling to come to terms with this new reality. She slowly got out of bed, taking in her environment as the memories of her ex-boyfriend's presence came flooding back into her mind. This day will not be easy.

Although her body moved as if on auto-pilot, her mind was far from clear. Memories of their recent breakup flooded her senses, bringing forth emotions that she hadn't experienced in a long time. The day before, she hoped that their relationship could be salvaged, but it seems she was mistaken. A wave of despair washed over her. She was so hurt and confused by her breakup, she still was having troubles processing everything that had happened last night, she didn't want to get out of bed. She just wanted to hide under the covers and never come out again.

Although she wasn't in the best state, she knew she couldn't skip a day of work now, feeling helpless, she stood up from her bed, stretching her arms she slowly started walking but lost her balance due to weakness and the lack of sleep, she stayed in that position for a few minutes as she cried a bit more before she stood up and started her day.

Looking at the food Ami's sister has just served her, she felt like gagging, almost as if she took just a one bite she would throw up, she immediately stood up from her chair and left for work, while her sister looked at her and the food plate confused, she didn't knew about Ami's situation.

Ami soon arrived at work, she kept messing up, ended up getting yelled at by managers and Co workers but no one really cared about her situation and called it as something "it happens so get used to it" she continued with her work until the day was finally coming to an end, she drove back home with the same emotionless expression on her face.

At this point she felt as if nothing was getting better for her; she was slowly losing hope in everything due to the break up, which had affected her so much. However, no good times last forever, and tough times don't last long either.

"will I ever find the spark in my life again? The happiness I felt in such small things, nothing makes me happy anymore"

All Ami needed to do was hold on, she has too..

She found herself stalking her ex's social media accounts, just to find out that he had found someone else in just the matter of 2 days.

"was it that easy..?"

ANNYEONGHASEYO YEUROBUEN HOW WE DOINNN?? clearly not me after writing that lol anyways wait for some spicy turns soon (I gotta stop spoiling yall)

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