Chapter 7

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Authors pov:

After countless nights of crying herself to sleep, she woke up with a newfound determination. She had finally made the decision to move out of her toxic family's house and start a new life. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to face the challenge head-on. She began making plans, and started to look into apartments and jobs in a new city. It was time for her to leave her old life behind and start afresh. It was time for her to heal and move on.

Ami was at the dining area, having breakfast with her family after countless days. 'So... I want to move out,' Ami spoke as she held the coffee mug in her hand and took a sip, shocking her parents slightly with this new information. However, since they had heard about the pain she had been holding in, they had no other choice but to let her do what she wanted. 'Oh, are you sure, hun?' her mother replied with a worried look on her face.

"yes.. I have been thinking a lot and this is my final decision.. I need to restart my life..." Ami softly said as she looked everywhere except the gaze of her parents, Ami's sister heard all of this conversation, tho she never really showed much care for Ami. she was looking somewhat upset now..

Ami finished her food and finally looked up at her parents "Im gonna resign from my job as well.. I don't like this environment please, I need space.. I wanna be away from everything but this doesn't mean that I'll walk out of your lives.." she spoke softly her voice was a bit shaky, afraid her parents won't let her.

"okay.. If that makes you happy.. You're free to make your decision.. We will respect it.." her father spoke as the three of them continued to talk regarding this new information a bit more before she had decided to leave early, she walked back to her room and started packing things, she heard someone knocking on her door "come in" she said as her focus was on her luggage, the door opened revealing Maria, Ami's sister

"you're leaving...?" Maria asked as she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall

Ami said before she spoke "yeah.. I need to get myself together, I don't think I have any other way.."

Maria just stood there and watched her for a few seconds before she spoke again "I'm gonna miss you a lot you know..? After mom and dad leaves there's just gonna be me and Mark (brother) here, it's gonna be quite lonely.." Ami looked up at her "don't worry.. You'll get used to it soon"

♡ time skip to where Ami had moved into a new apartment

"gosh my back hurts" Ami said after moving the bed placement, since the rented apartment wasn't furnished she had to buy her own furniture, she did, she was done with setting up the furniture and now the bedroom was the last part, she opened her luggage and started putting her clothes in her new wardrobe, placing everything neatly.

She looked at one of her dress and started having flashbacks.

"oh my.. Love you look so beautiful in that dress.." h/n spoke as he looked at Ami who was busy looking in the mirror, he came closer and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her a bit closer to him, he smiled before he leaned closer to her ear and whispered softly "I love you so much.. Gosh my pretty girl"

A tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it. She was doing better for a few days by keeping herself busy but now she was stuck in her thoughts and that painful feeling again..

Heyoooo I tried making this chapter longer what yall think..??

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