5. UNSERIOUS NOTE PART 1 (written on september 29 2023)

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• when my mom got me food and i was sooo jolly
this was also a text i sent to my friends so that's why it says like guys and things like that

So today my mom got back from work and she said she wanted to eat wings so she got some and I got some barbecue wings and it comes with bread and carrots and ranch and it was SO yummy, the wings were perfectly covered in the barbecue sauce, the bread was soft and garlicky, the carrots were perfectly cut, and the ranch was amazing. When I first bit into the wing I swear I asended to heaven, the wing was so yummy and crispy, I also got the perfect amount of flats and drums, it was so good. The wing dipped in ranch was even more amazing, the tangy flavor from the barbecue mixed with the creaminess of the ranch was a beautiful combo, since I had some left over sauce I dipped my bread in the barbecue and ranch and guys it was so amazing. The carrots were also an amazing side, carrots with ranch are top tier. Then, I also got a delicious iced tea. The iced tea was a perfect way to end that scrumptious meal. Todays meal was a 10/10

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