9. no hints of love (written april 29)

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• woo about my view on romantic relationships
in my life ive never seen real love
love only seemed like a thing in the movies
ive seen marriages fall apart
i was 10 when i witnessed my parents argue constantly
it wasn't physical or anything like that
but the sound of their yelling was bothersome
but for some reason
they never seemed to end their relationship
it was like a cycle
first they got mad
then they argued
after they complained to us and said
"this time we are done."
and then everything went back to normal
but in my short life
I've never seen true love
not even my grandparents
the day my family told me their story
i expected something pretty like they met eachother in school or while at a store
something more romantic but no
my grandfather only married my grandmother as a form of revenge against his old partner and her family
and now i feel like i struggle with relationships
even though ive actually never had one
but i am afraid that ill never be able to find the true love
i don't want to continue the cycle of having a marriage that falls apart
i don't want to traumatize my children by arguing infront of them
i don't want to be like that
i don't want to be like my family

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