6. UNSERIOUS NOTE PT 2. (idk when i made this one imma say december 2023)

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i think the reason why wilshire by tyler the creator is a 1 of a kind song is because it's such a raw song, the same repetitive beat but at the same time his lyrics make this song feel very unique, the whole 9 minutes of this song are like a book about the love triangle between his love interest, his friend, and him. I feel like easily this song could be turned into a book as it has the beginning (him meeting the girly when he hung out with his friend), the middle (his friend catching on what's going on between him and the girly), and the end (ending everything between him and the girly just so they can both be ok and ending on ok terms). I think wilshire is an essential part to Call me if you get lost as it kind of mixes all the love ish songs in the album and in my opinion, even though it's the second to last song, this is the true ending to call me if you get lost, as the next song feels more like a victory lap I would say. It's a great song I really enjoy it I've listened to it so many times but the story has remained interesting to me, I think one of reasons is because I love all the descriptions in this song, from describing the girl, describing all the settings. Every time I listen to this song I can just imagine the sunny LA weather on a summer day, especially near the end where he talks about them remembering their relationship while they're at the beach and I can literally imagine it perfectly. at the very end of the song after the beach scene he still talks about how he misses this girl and he'll forever miss her and no matter what he'll be there for her which I think is very cute. Wilshire is easily one of the best songs in his discography, a great representation of how raw, honest lyrics and a boring instrumental can become a beautiful song. I could write so much more about this song but it's late so im tired but it's truly one of my favorite songs ever!! I LOVE WILSHIRE

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