7. UNSERIOUS NOTE PT 3. (written on april 29)

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i also sent this one to my friends just for funzies yay

Boy oh boy, partyisntover/campfire/bimmer, the perfect song you are. Everytime I listen to you it's like the first time once again, I just feel at home whenever I listen to you. The beautiful melodies in campfire, frank ocean in bimmer, and the stunning yet simple instrumental of partyisntover have made me fall in love with you. I love everything about you, those 7 minutes are the best, I could never get bored of you. Partyisntover/campfire/bimmer, you've made me feel things no other song has ever made me feel, some might say I'm exaggerating, but you have truly changed my perspective on my life. The third part of this song, bimmer is truly the embodiment of an ovulation song, the details on the act that's going on, frank ocean's heavenly vocals while he talks about fucking a girl, Tyler's rapping and tone on this song makes it perfect for a teenage girl. The second part of the song, campfire is just so perfect. The feeling of being with your friends camping on a nice summer night, you're making s'mores, laughing while being in the forest just makes the song feel so nostalgic. The beautiful instrumental that's played in the background feels so nostalgic too, it just feels like a happy childhood. The first part of the song, partyisntover is just such a great opener to the song, the way 2 people meet at a party and clearly take interest in one another. One of them explains how they have no experience in dating, but they tell the other person they're willing to take a risk, this song ties to bimmer because it is the same 2 people as in partyisntover. I believe that partyisntover/campfire/bimmer is a perfect song, even though Tyler made this early into his career, it is truly one of the highlights of it.

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