Tommy Shelby - Suicidal

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Author's Note

If anyone you know or you yourself is feeling suicidal please speak to someone. I know it's easier said than done but please you are LOVED and CARED by many. My inbox is always open and also please be nice to people you never know what they're feeling xxx

TW! Mentions of Depression and feeling Suicidal 

Tommy's POV

'How is she?' Polly asks 

'She hasn't got out of bed since' I say 

'What even happened?' Arthur says 

'That's what we don't know she won't say anything' I say 

'Well it's something major then' Ada says 

'She's your best mate has she told you anything?' I say 

'No, she hasn't told me anything' Ada says 

'Well, I better get going. I need to make sure she's alright' I say getting up and walking out 

Timeskip till Tommy gets home 

I walk through my front door to hear the house dead silent, none of the workers are here. I head to mine and Melina's shared bedroom to see if she's there. I open our bedroom door and she isn't in the bed

'Where is everyone?' I whisper to myself 

I hear a thud in my office so I run to my office just in case anyone's in the house. I slam the office door open to see Melina with my gun 

'Sweetheart put the gun down' I say walking towards her 

'Don't take another step' Melina says quietly 

'Love, I can help you just put the gun down' I say gently 

'Tom, how can you? My mum's and dad's gone, I need them with me' Melina says whilst her eyes start watering 

'What happened?' I say shocked 

'The Changrettas' Melina says 

'I'll deal with them just put the gun down please love I can't lose you' I say 

'You'll be better without me' Melina says 

'No, I won't, you're the only person who keeps me sane. I love you so much I can't do life without you Mel' I say 

'I'm sorry' Melina says and puts the gun to her temple

She goes to pull the trigger but I run and pull the gun out of her grip before anything happens

'Tom, I can't live without them' Melina says dropping to the floor 

I place my gun on the farther side of my desk so she can't get it 

'Tom, I'll kill them' Melina says 

'I need them in my life, they always understood me and listened to me when I went to them about my problems and now I don't have anyone' Melina says 

'Love, you have me. I'll get you and your parents justice I promise' I say sitting on the floor to comfort her 

'Please do something Tom' Melina says putting her head on my chest 

'Don't worry, I will' I say 

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