Micheal Gray - Eminem(ModernAU)

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Kaitlyn's POV

I'm in the office doing the most boring work ever. Filling forms out for Tommy. I share an office with my fiance Micheal which isn't that bad but Micheal's out dealing for sometime so he isn't in yet. 

I notice an inconvenience with one of the forms so I get up and head to Tommy's office for him to go over it.

'Hello, Kaitlyn' Lizzie says happily 

'Hello, Lizzie how are you today?' I say 

'I'm good, how's filling forms out?' Lizzie says sitting down at her desk 

'It's boring but I'm halfway through them so it's not so bad' I say smiling 

'I love your outfit today by the way where did you get it?' Lizzie says 

'Oh this old outfit, I got it from New Look' I say smiling 

'Oh this old outfit, I got it from New Look' I say smiling 

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'It's really cute' Lizzie says 

'Thank you' I say 

'Anyway, I need to go to Tommy. I've noticed an inconvenience with one of the forms' I say 

'Bye' Lizzie says and I head to Tommy's office 

I knock on his door and wait until he lets me in

'Come in' I hear Tommy's deep voice say and I open the door

'How can I help you, Kaitlyn?' Tommy says 

'I've noticed an inconvenience in this form' I say placing the form on his desk. I watch as Tommy reads the form over 

'I'll deal with this Kaitlyn don't worry' Tommy says 

'Alright, I need to get back to work but I'll see you later' I say and walk out of Tommy's office 

I head back to Mine and Micheal's office to see Micheal at his desk 

'Micheal, you scared the living shit out of me' I say making Micheal chuckle

'Where were you?' Micheal says 

'Oh, I was in Tommy's office because of a form' I say 

'Come here' Micheal says patting his knee 

I head over and sit on Micheal's knee. I wrap my arms around his neck and place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes 

'Someone's tired' Micheal says chuckling making me smile 

'I'm not tired I'm just bored because these forms are so fucking boring' I say 

'I love you Kaitlyn you do know that right?' Micheal says making me lift my head in confusion 

'Obviously, babe what makes you think that?' I say 

'It's just with me being at work 24/7. I feel like I'm neglecting you' Micheal says 

'Hey, look at me' I say putting my hand against Micheal's cheek 

'I said yes to you for a reason Micheal, you're not neglecting me you're out working and getting us money ok? We're both at work 24/7 I moved into your office so we could be together even at work' I say 

'I love you Mrs Kaitlyn Gray' Micheal says and then kisses me softly 

I pull him closer so there's no space between us. Micheal pulls away and places his forehead against mine 

'I can't wait to marry you' Micheal says making me smile 

'I can't wait to be Mrs Kaitlyn Gray' I say smiling 

'Right, let's get back to work' Micheal says making me throw my head back in boredom 

'I don't want too' I say 

'Well, if you want to get home soon then chop chop' Micheal says and I get up and go back over to my desk 

'I want to listen to Music' I say getting my phone out and going onto Apple Music 

'Let me guess Eminem' Micheal says just as I put Stan on by Eminem featuring Dido 

'How'd you guess' I say acting surprised and Micheal just raises an eyebrow and looks at me making me giggle 

'My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I?

Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad' I sing along with the lyrics 

'You know see if Eminem comes back to the UK, I'm going to the concert' I say 

'And who will be going with you?' Micheal says 

'Ada' I say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world

'And why not me huh?' Micheal says 

'You don't listen to Eminem' I say 

'Touche' Micheal says making me smile 

I change Stan to Without Me and my mood just changes. I start lip syncing the lyrics, dancing in my chair and just entertaining myself 

'You're something else' Micheal says making me giggle

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