John Shelby - Remember He's Mine

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Lottie's POV

'Polly, she's really getting on my tits' I say sitting down 

'Who?' Polly says placing our tea down on the table 

'Charlotte Wilson' I say 

'She gets on your tits every day what's new' Polly says smirking

'No but today is just on another level' I say 

'Elaborate love' Polly says 

'John and I were in a cafe for breakfast just minding our own business and she waltzes in like some Queen. She kept looking at John and then fluttering her eyelashes and I ended up walking out because if I didn't then I'd be getting lifted' I say 

'Sounds like you're being territorial' Polly says 

'No, I'm not! She needs to learn not to look at other women's men' I say 

'Just ignore her it's the best thing you can do. You and John have been together since you were 11 and you're 22 now so it's clear that John isn't interested in anyone else other than you' Polly says 

'Yeah, but Poll it's easier said than done. I wanna claw her eyes out and feed them to her' I say sipping on my tea 

'Just keep your cool Karma will come to her' Polly says 

'Karma is a bitch after all' I say smirking getting an idea 

'What's that smirk for?' Polly says 

'Oh nothing, I just got an idea' I say smiling 

'I'm worried now' Polly says laughing 

'We all need to go out tonight I wanna celebrate something' I say 

'That is?' Polly says 

'Karma' I say getting up from my seat and getting my coat on 

'I better go tell everyone' I say 

'Alright crazy lady see you later' Polly says

'Bye Poll' I say laughing 

I walk towards The Garrison knowing the boys will be there. John saved me when I didn't think I could be saved and I owe my life to John for that. He's always been there for me when I felt like leaving this cruel world and saved me repeatedly. If only I could go back to the night we met. 

11 Years ago

I weakly walk out of my house holding my stomach in agony. I've finally had enough I'm not going back to my parents' house my dad is an abusive drunk and my mum just lets it happen. I'm ten and I'm getting battered black and blue by the people that are supposed to love me no matter what.

I start walking towards the cut when I get knocked down by a group of boys. 

'Oi watch where you're going!' I hear a voice shout from the other side of the street

I hear a pair of feet thundering towards me making me flinch from fear.

'Hey, I won't hurt you. What happened to you? Are you ok' I hear the voice say 

'I'm fine' I say weakly 

'Here, I'll take you to my Aunt she'll fix you up' The voice says 

'Tom, Arthur get here quick we need to take her to Aunt Poll' The voice shouts 

I hear them thundering towards us. I feel arms carefully lift me up and carry me to an unfamiliar house.

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