Arthur Shelby - Snow

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Kelly's POV

'All, I'm asking you is to stop the amount of snow you're taking into this house! Arthur we have fucking children do you not realise that or are you too much of a fucking spastic to realise that?' I scream at my husband

'It's not hurting them!' Arthur shouts back 

'What if they get ahold of it eh? I don't want my kids to have a father who takes fucking snow in front of them 24/7' I shout 

'They're my kids too you know! I helped make them' Arthur says making me scoff 

'I didn't say that they weren't your children. You know what get out' I say 

'What?' Arthur says 

'Get out and don't come fucking back until you've realised that taking snow in front of your children is irresponsible and teaching them that it's ok to take all sorts of different drugs!' I shout 

'You're not kicking me out of my own home!' Arthur shouts 

'Well, I'm doing it. I expect you and your stupid snow out of this house by the time I come back' I say leaving the kitchen to get the kids and take them out

'Where are you going!' Arthur shouts 

'What's that got to do with you? Not like you took any interest before' I say putting Melody in her buggy 

'Tom, sweetheart put your shoes on please' I say softly 

'Ok mummy' Tom says running to get his shoes on 

'You're not leaving me are you?' Arthur says quietly 

'No Arthur, you're just not understanding it. So until you have learned your lesson you can stay with John or Tommy' I say pushing Melody out of the sitting room 

'I got my shoes on mummy' Tom says 

'There on the wrong feet darling' I say smiling and helping Tom get his shoes on the right feet 

'Is daddy coming with us?' Tom says 

'No darling, daddy's going to Uncle John's for a wee while' I say 

'Are we going with him? Tom says 

'No baby, we're staying here at home' I say 

'Ok, let's go' I say and Tom opens the door excitedly 

'Kelly' Arthur says 

'What' I say looking back at him 

'I love you ok?' Arthur says 

'I love you too Arthur but your snow addiction is out of control' I say and leave the house 

I take a deep breath and I start walking anywhere that is away from the house

'Can we go get lunch mummy?' Tom says 

'Of course darling where do you want to go?' I say 

'Let's go to the one we always go to' Tom says smiling 

'Ok my love' I say smiling and Tom gets excited because that's his favourite cafe 

After about a 15-minute walk we arrive at the cafe 

'Hello, Mrs Shelby' Karen says 

'Hello, Karen how are you on this fine July afternoon' I say smiling 

'Same old things. What can I get for you and the kids' Karen says 

''Tom what do you want my darling?' I say 

'Can I get a ham sandwich, please' Tom says smiling 

'Oh and a chocolate milkshake' Tom says excitedly 

'And for the wee one?' Karen says 

'She'll get the same Karen' I say smiling 

'And for you?' Karen says 

'I'll just have a tea' I say smiling 

'I'll get your drinks and then your food' Karen says smiling 

'Thank you' I say and then we sit down at one of the booths

'Mummy, why were you and Daddy arguing?' Tom says 

'We weren't arguing we were just speaking about something darling' I say taking Melody out of her buggy and putting her in one of the high chairs

'Oh there's Uncle Tommy and Uncle Finn' Tom says making me look back to see them making me internally groan 

'Hi Uncle Tommy, Hi Uncle Finn' Tom says getting out of his seat and hugging both of them 

Finn scoops him up as Tommy sits next to me 

'What happened between you and Arthur? He came into The Garrison saying you kicked him out' Tommy says 

'I did because he was taking too much snow into the house and doing it in front of Tom and Melody' I say 

'He missed that part out' Tommy says as we hear Tom laugh. I look up to see Finn tickling Tom's sides making me smile 

'Anyway, I said that he can stay with either you or John' I say as our drinks arrive 

'Here you go Mrs Shelby' Karen says smiling 

'Thank you' I say 

Finn puts Tom down since Tom starts wriggling to get out of Finn's grip

'Look, he'll stay with Charlie, Grace and I and when you're comfortable with him coming back home. He'll be back' Tommy says 

'It's just his snow addiction Tommy, it's getting to be every night now he's snorting in front of the kids and I'm done with it' I say 

'We'll get him help alright?' Tommy says making me nod 

'Uncle Tommy?' Tom says 

'Yes, Tom' Tommy says 

'Can you stay and Uncle Finn stay with us please?' Tom says 

'I wish we could Tom but we have business to attend too' Tommy says 

'I'll speak to Uncle Tommy and maybe we can all go to the park one day alright?' I say 

'Yeah!' Tom says excitedly 

'I'll see you later alright?' Tommy says 

'Bye boys' I say and they leave the cafe leaving me with Tom and Melody 

'Dada' Melody says clapping her hands 

'Dada, isn't here my beautiful girl' I say sadly 

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