Tommy Shelby - Tired 24/7

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Jodie's POV

'Ada please stop shouting, I'm tired and I wanna go to bed' I say placing my shoulder on Polly's couch 

'Jodie, are you sure you're not up the duff?' Ada says making me roll my eyes 

'Ada, you know I'm not' I say 

'I just have low Iron' I say closing my eyes 

'Yeah right' Ada says making me sigh and get up

'Love, are you sure you're not pregnant?' Polly says making me roll my eyes now annoyed

'Yes, Polly. I think I know my body' I say getting my coat and walking out of Polly's angrily 

'Yeah, she's definitely pregnant' Ada says 

I walk over to The Garrison knowing the boys will be there. I'm sick and tired of everyone saying I'm pregnant! I just have low Iron, I've always struggled with Low Iron but you know people don't consider that as an option and they always go to the most 'reasonable' excuse. 

I angrily walk into The Garrison and slam the door to the private room open giving the boys a fright 

I sit down next to Isiaiah and cross my arms not speaking 

'What's wrong with you?' Micheal says making me take a deep breath in and out 

'I'm fine' I say putting on a smile 

'Well, you're not when you have that face on you' John says making me throw my arms in the air

'You know what! I've just come from Polly's because they keep asking if I'm pregnant just because I'm so all the time! I have low iron alright. It's annoying because they always go for the most bogus reason. Have they never thought about it being my Iron levels' I say fast  

'I didn't process a thing you just said' Finn says 

'It doesn't matter' I say crossing my arms again 

'Are you sure?' Arthur says 

'Sure about what?' I say 

'About being pregnant' Arthur says making me shoot up

'Why is everyone saying that!' I shout and leave The Garrison 

I realise when I get outside that I didn't get the car keys from Tommy making me walk back in 

'I need the car keys' I say putting my hand out to Tommy 

'Magic word' Tommy says 

'Tom, I'm really not in the mood for this today' I say and Tommy gives me the keys making me smile 

'Thank you' I say and go to walk out but John's voice stops me 

'Give the keys back to Tom, and I'll take you' John says 

'I can make my way home thank you' I say sassily 

'Yes and I'm aware of that' John says getting up 

I roll my eyes and throw the keys and Tommy catches them perfectly 

'Let's go' I say and walk out 

'Wish me luck' I hear John say and everyone starts laughing 

'John! I wanna go home' I say and John rushes out of the private room 

John and I walk out of The Garrison and head over to his car. I grumpily get into the car just wanting to go home and relax. 

'I'm here for you Jo' John says 

'Mhm' I say looking out of the window 

'We're just looking out for you' John says 

'Yeah, but John bombarding me with questioning me about being pregnant isn't right. I know my body better than anybody' I say 

'I get that' John says

'Do you though?' I say but John doesn't reply 

The rest of the car journey is silent, it's not awkward just a comfortable silence. 

'Do you want some company?' John says parking the car 

'No, thanks. I'd rather be alone just now' I say and get out of the car not giving John the chance to reply 

I walk into the house to utter silence making me sigh in contentment knowing I'll be left alone 

I make my way to the library to find a new book to read since reading gets my mind off of things. 

I walk into the library and head over to the romance section. Romance is my favourite genre to read since most of the time it ends happily because it's emotionally satisfying and an optimistic ending. Don't get me wrong most of them end in death and are utter shite but it doesn't matter for me. 

Tommy's POV

'She's grumpy today' Arthur says 

'She's been really grumpy for the past 2 weeks' I say 

'You two are perfect for each other then' Arthur says chuckling 

'She does have a small bump though' I say 

'But, she clearly doesn't want to hear it' Finn says 

'I'll speak to her when I get home' I say 

'Anyway, back to business' I say and we start speaking about business again

Jodie's POV

I hear a knock on the library door making me shoot up. I must've fallen asleep while reading my book

'Come in' I say getting up and walking to put my book away 

I hear the door open to reveal Finn, Micheal and Isaiah walk-in 

'To what do I owe the pleasure' I say walking towards them

'We need to take you out somewhere' Finn says 

'No can do I'm afraid' I say folding my arms 

'Tommy said this was going to be hard' Isaiah says 

'Ah so Tommy warned you how interesting' I say walking past them and out of the room 

'Jodie please just come with us' Finn says 

'Sorry Finnigan, I'm heading to bed I'm exhausted' I say 

'It's 2:30 in the Afternoon?' Micheal says 

'Yeah, well I need to rest for the 'baby' I say sarcastically 

''We're looking out for you' Isaiah says 

'Yeah, John said the same thing but anyway, you can tell Tommy that I'm heading to bed so goodnight' I say and walk off to head for a nap

Micheal's POV

'This is going to be hard' I say 

'How are we going to get her to the hospital to see if she's pregnant or not?' Finn says 

'I have no clue' I say 

'All, I know is I ain't waking her up she's tired 24/7 and I'm not trying to get battered' I say and we head to the sitting room to chill until Tommy gets here

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