Isaiah Jesus - My Savior

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TW Mentions of Torture, Rape, Sexual Assault and Assault!!

Malia's POV

'Please stop!' I scream out in pain making my torturers laugh

'Stop moving' One of my torturers scream in my face 

'Why are you doing this? What have I done to you' I cry out 

'This is what you get for being married to a black and being a fucking Shelby. Tell your Husband and Brothers that we had so much fun playing with your stupid body' One of them says and I feel a punch right across my face knocking me out cold

I shoot up panting like fuck and drowning in my own sweat. It's been two weeks since I got saved and it's still haunting me to this day. I get out of bed and head down to the sitting room to see Isaiah sitting in front of the fire. 

'Is?' I say quietly giving Isaiah a fright 

'Another night terror love?' Isaiah says and I nod making Isaiah pat the couch I walk over sit on the couch and place my head on his shoulder 

'We'll find them love don't worry' Isaiah says 

'I'm sorry Is' I say 

'For what? You haven't done anything?' Isaiah says looking at me 

'For what happened' I say as tear runs down my face 

'Darling, what happened to you was not your fault. Trust me when I say this see when I find them I will make sure they die the slowest death possible' Isaiah says 

'Your brothers are still going mental about it and as they should be it's fucking disgusting. I promised you at the alter when we got married that I'd protect you with my life and that promise is going to be fulfilled' Isaiah says placing my head on his chest 

'I just want them to go away' I say quietly 

'It's like I'm back in the place. The rape and batterings I endured happening again it's awful' I say with tears running down my face 

I feel a tear drop fall on my head making me look at Isaiah and see him crying. I straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck putting his head in my neck. I feel his shoulders shake making me cry more 

'I'm sorry, I wasn't there to protect you that night they took you. I feel like the worst Husband ever I blame myself everytime you have a night terror' Isaiah says 

'Love, it was no one's fault you hear me? Just like you said you'll get them. You're my saviour' I say kissing him on the forehead

'I'll make sure they get what's coming to them I promise Mal' Isaiah says 

'Let's just go to bed and see what tomorrow brings us ok' I say Isaiah nods and we head up to bed 

'I'll be beside you if you have any more ok?' Isaiah says taking his shirt and trousers off 

'I know' I say softly as Isaiah comes into bed and I move so my head is lying on his chest and we fall asleep 

Timeskip till the morning 

'Isaiah! We fucking got them bastards!' John shouts bursting into our room and startling us 

'Found who?' I say groggily 

'The men who tortured you' John says and Isaiah pounces out of bed and hurriedly gets his clothes on 

'Wait' I say getting up 

'What's wrong?' John says 

'I wanna come with you' I say 

'No way! What if they hurt you again' Isaiah says 

'Is, they'll hardly hurt me when you and my brothers are there' I say getting my clothes on 

'Please, I need closure' I say 

'Fine, but you're staying by my side' Isaiah says making me smile 

'Let's go before Arthur kills them' John says and we hurriedly head over to The Garrison 

We walk into The Garrison and I see the three men who tortured me 2 months straight all bloodied up but I pretend to be confident 

'Here she is' One of them says smirking 

'Does your black Husband know?' The same one says 

'Knows what?' I say confidently 

'That my baby was in your stomach but we beat it out of you' He says smugly and Arthur shoots him square in the eyes killing him instantly 

I put my hand on my stomach subconsciously in shock. My eyes well up in tears as I realise that I was pregnant

'Mal? Are you okay' Polly says 

'Give me the gun' I say putting my hand out to Arthur 

'Mal you've never-' Arthur says but I interrupt him 

'Arthur I said give me the fucking gun' I say sternly causing him to give me the gun 

'Now, you both are going to tell me why you tortured me for 2 months straight or the barrel of this gun will be going so far down your fucking throat your guts will come out your arsehole' I shout leaving everyone in shock

'We got hired too' One of them says 

'By who?' I say 

'Sabini' The other one says 

'Now, tell me do you have wives?' I say 

'No, we don't' One of them says 

'Right, well since I'm one for doing what I think is right you won't be needing these then' I say and shoot both of them in the dick. They scream out in pain making me look at the wall in boredom

'Now, you know how I felt when you were battering me with metal poles, wooden branches and oh what else?' I say pretending to think

'Barbed fucking wire' I say finishing my sentence off and shoot them again in the dick making them scream out again 

'It was good money' One of them says 

'What good fucking money to beat a woman black and blue and rape her repeatedly! God how were you raised' I say 

'We didn't mean for it to go as far as it did' The other one says 

'Oh well I mean for this to go as far as it has' I say and then shoot them in the head killing them 

I throw the gun on the floor and sit down on one of the chairs causing Isaiah to rush over to me 

'Are you ok?' Isaiah says checking my face 

'I'm fine' I say quietly placing my hand on my stomach 

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