82/The Death Bed Wish

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Lesley Blue POV

Marcela and I were helping Sararose prepare dinner when the phone rang in the kitchen. Royal was deep in conversation with Sean, but still went up to pick up the phone faster than Marcela and I can even look at it. I appreciate that he's on his toes, and I really didn't think much about who would actually be on the phone at all.

That was untill I notice that Royal was listening to the phone without saying anything back for a long time untill he suddenly screams "WHAT?!"

"Who is that?" Asked a concerned Marcela.

"What was in it? Could the ingredients be expired? Tell me!" Royal says into the phone. 

Sean and Sararose quickly get into the kitchen in complete panic. "Who's on the phone?!" Cries Sararose, her eyes dark with anxiety as she grabs to phone at puts it up to her ear. "Tell me! What happened?! Tell me!"

It wasn't clear what was even going in, but my anxiety is far to high to the point where I just don't want to know.

"Rosie, do tell us who's on the phone! The suspense is killing me." Says Sean. 

"He's dead!" Cries Royal.

"Who?!" Screeches Marcela.

Oh God, the whole world was spinning. My anxiety is always more heightened than that of an average individual, but I was now feeling actually nauseous. I didn't say a single word, but my insides were screaming.

Royal was completely speechless in fear, so Marcela took the phone. "Okay, what just died?!"

"Your son!" Whisper screams Sararose.

"My son!" Marcela screams into the phone. "What killed him!? Tell me! Tell me, what killed him!?"

This is what happened:

(Everyone was so hysterical, that it was hard to catch on, so it took me five whole minutes to get this story straight)

Marcela and Royal's son Henry wasn't allowed to go the the Christmas dinner. He got himself expelled from the school for attempting to save Scott. It was horrible. Everyone treated him horrible, the school, then his parents. This poor kid had to stay at his house, but he was too board, so he went out to the neighbors house. Mr Malute keeps so much to himself, so allowing Henry to stay for dinner was surprisingly wholesome and so generous, and I really appreciate that. Henry consumed some breadstick after dinner that might've contained something toxic. He obviously had no idea because that Cassie Muller girl made those, and obviously she had no idea that the ingredients had something toxic about them. Henry was the only one who ate enough of one of the breadsticks to actually have fainted from poisoning. 

He did not wake up.

Valentina, Easten, Allie, and Roy learned this story after I fully grasped it. They were in the basement watching movies like the warm and cozy people they are.

The whole family was panicked all throughout the evening. Before Marcela could call 911, it was confirmed by Mr Malute on the other end of the call, that he already called 911. It has also been confirmed by Mr Malute that Henry isn't for certain dead, but he's terribly unconscious. This would mean that both Henry and Scott's lives are at risk. 

Henry is now hospitalized for who knows how long, and Marcela and Royal had to rush there in the pitch dark, and in the cold. I felt so terrible for them, that I left the house.

It wasn't snowing outside, but the snow was stuck to the street. Hopefully this all melts away tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow is just a better day in general. 

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