84/Tennessee To California

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Lesley Blue POV

I was here at the police station again. Just me and Officer Smith.

"Officer Smith, it's doesn't make any sense to leave Tennessee." I tell him.

He takes a sip from his coffee, then clicks his pen while saying "That cousin of yours, Marcela, she was so damn right about you. You really are a coward."

"Officer Smith, you have to understand, I just don't want to do anything stupid. Marcela's son, Henry, he's smart, but what are the chances of Scott running off to California?"

"A lot of evidence."

"Right, but I can't spend money to get farther away from Scott when I could be getting closer. He's ten years old! He's a child! He's innocent, and so naive, and could not have gone too far. I promise you, he did not go far at all."

"Oh, yeah? How do you know?"

"I don't know, it just makes sense."

"Why do you think that?"

"It isn't safe for a kid that age to run away from home. When I was ten years old, my biggest concern was surviving as a lower class Tennessee girl, and not making Sararose angry. If I ever ran away from home, I would be dead as a door nail!"

"A door nail?" He snorts. 

"I've never even heard of any kids of that age running away from home!"

"Well, yeah, Lesley, kids that age don't have to worry, but your nephew-"

"MY NEPHEW didn't have anything to worry about! Now, as far as I know he's dead!"

"Okay, let's not jump to conclusions-"

"No, no, think about.... I hate this story, but imagine someone fifteen running away from home. This was years and years ago. She didn't tell her parents, didn't tell her siblings, and she died."

Officer Smith puts down his coffee mug, and seemed oddly intrigued.

"Alexis Blue ran away from home and died at fifteen," I explain to him, "Scott's ten! He is at such a huge risk-"

"I thought that Alexis committed suicide." Officer Smith says frowning, "That's what Easten believed, she was accused of being evil or something? Hmm.... do you think Scott commit suicide?"

My heart stopped. "No! He's a child!"

"Lesley, we searched the whole town. Your nephew is either dead, or far away." He says calmly.

"Just don't make me go to California." I tell him desperately. "I can't do it. I don't have the money. Not now. Not any day soon. I had to take off of work for this." 

Officer Smith and I argued for the next hour. In my stubborn, and pessimistic brain, this didn't work. I was not going on plane, and I was not going to the over populated state of California for the sliver of hope that Scott Blue is there.

Today was Wednesday, so I had to grab oranges from the grocery store to drop off for my parents. "I should've kept it quiet." I tell them as I help put the groceries away.

"At least you were being honest." Sean says soothingly.

"I can't lie about anything, I had to tell Officer Smith the truth." I explain as I peel an Orange above the sink. Sean's hands still weren't working so well, so it was up to me.

"Officer Smith is insisting that I go west, searching for Scott, but I'm not doing that."

"Why not?"

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