85/Peter Ofgrace

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Scott Blue POV

It was already March in Idaho. The snow wasn't falling anymore, it was instead piled up on the sides of the street, looking more like dirt piles than the actual white fluffy snow that you get for the holidays.

Tennessee didn't snow all that much, but when it did, it was nicer and neater.

I knew that I couldn't rely on the laundromat now that it's been closed for so long, and the snow was meling away, so now I don't have the chance to do my laundry in the clean snow.

These days, I have head out the door of the mall and walk down the road to the supermarket to shop for laundry detergent. I swear, I have never even thought about laundry so much in my whole life. I took the clothes the shower room, and did the best I could to clean my clothes that way.

The sky was damp and foggy as I took a walk down the sidewalk back from dropping my shrunken clothes off at the thrift store. The detergent did it. Not me.

The mall was buzzing with people, even if it's Monday, and 10:00 in the morning. My sneakers were extremely muddy from the outside, and kept squeeking every single time I actually took a step. I was squeezing myself through the excited shoppers, constantly saying "Exuse me!" To everyone when I try to get back into the basement door. I hurried down the steps, to the peaceful basement. I needed to get to my money collection and get food, because I am starved.

Once I was approaching the floor, I hear the voice of a man quietly saying, "Yeah. He's a kid. A young kid, like ten."

I stop dead on the last step of the stairs as I notice that the man who was standing, talking in the basement was also with another man who was facing him talking. 

I see him peek behind the other guy and he looks at me.

I look down the hall to my left, and I fled down that hall.

"Hey, you come back here! Kid!" Shouts one of the men, in full rage, as the two of them come chasing me.

These were regular looking white middle aged guys with balding hair and little mustaches. They weren't police officers at all, so there wasn't anything that they could possibly do. I jump into the office that I've been sleeping in, and close the door before either of them could get in. I push the desk infront of the door, and hold it there to prevent them from getting inside.

The man puts his fists against the glass window and breaths heavily on the glass. "Listen, kid." He breaths, "If you don't get out of there, I'm going to break down the door and kill you."

"Oh, yeah, how do you know?!" I yell back.

The men laughs sarcastically at me and looks back to the other guy. "He doesn't believe me."

"Shut up and kill him!" Yells the other guy.

"Well, I can't because he's in my old office right now behind the door!"

"Okay, use your talents, and get him out of there!"

He sighs loudly and turns to look at me. "If you get out, I won't shoot you, how's that?"

"Never!" I yell at him. "You'll never get away with this!"

He turns to the other guy once again and says, "This kid's about too stubborn for his own good."

Whatever my good is sopposed to mean, I would rather anything than this. I need a weapon to defend myself. I knew that whatever would happen, whatever I do, or whatever these two do, I could get shot to death. I look at the floor and see the roller state laying there.

I grab it, and with all the force in the body, I slam it through the glass, into his stupid face.

Somehow he passes out, and bleeds on the carpet. I quickly jump over the desk and climb through the shattered window. The other guy was standing with his gun pointed at me. "You give me all that money you stole, and nobody gets hurt!" He threatens. 

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