89/The Windy as f*ck Cemetery

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Marcela Blue POV

We were here in California now, feeling depressed and exhausted. Our savings combined didn't add up to enough money to buy a motel for a long period of time, so we rented a car and slept in it. Lesley found a way to get a car for a lower price, and to be honest, I bet she cheated the system. Lesley, the old Lesley, would certainly NEVER do that.

I was sleeping on top of her that night in the back seat. Keith was trying to be sitting upright and not touch us. The two old men were laying in some odd cripple positions in the front seats.  

"This is where my sister came to die." I hear Easten singing to himself, "This is where angry people had to bury her in the ground."

"You really think she's that dead, don't you?" I hear Sean say. "Chances are, she's alive and well here in Los Angeles with a husband, and kiddos. Wouldn't that be nifty?"  

"Please go to sleep." Lesley moans. 

"Ehh, she could be here somewhere." Sean says driftingly.

"Stop being so caught up in your sister! I don't even know if Scott's here, or anywhere, and all you can talk about is your sister who hasn't been seen in fifty-four years!" Lesley hisses. 

On the morning of March 22nd, we sat in an old coffee shop for breakfast.

Lesley was avoiding eye contact with everyone, even me! Her hair was getting strangely curly from the warm temperature, and from sleeping in the humid car. Mine was getting bigger and possibly blonder, which I didn't mind. We all got tanner from the sun, but grumpier.  

"You know," I began to say, "Henry was saved from the coma that he kept falling into. I have to get to Tennessee again."

"Do you miss him that much already?" Keith asks in a sour tone, "If you go back to Tennessee, you'll have to get on another flight."

"I know, but for the family, I would like to return." 

"I know you don't want to sleep in the car." Lesley says bitterly, "Marcela, you don't have to avoid things. You think I want to sleep in the car? No. I just want to-"

"Lesley, you and I both know that we're only falling for a conspiracy theory, and you and I both know that it's not actually real."

"Okay, zip it, zip it, zip it." Sean interrupts. "Marcela." He says as he turns to me with a grin. "You are doing this for your son. Remember, on his death bed, he said what he wanted to say about Scott being in California. You must do it for him."

"But I want to go home!" I admit. "I miss my three kids, and my husband. They all need me!...... They miss me!"

Nobody responds for three seconds, so I kept talking. "What we will accomplish? Tell me, what will we accomplish? Lesley!?"

Lesley looks up after being in her own thoughts. "I don't know." She says dryly, looking at Sean as if she had to rely on him.

"Children," He says to Lesley and I, even though we're in our thirties, "Just know that with every step, we're getting closer to finding Scott."

Lesley opens her mouth to speak, but closes it just as Keith opens his. "WeLL guYs, I'm more concerned over stopping Scott Blue from being the theif we all know he is. That kid is out in the world stealing bikes!" 

"That's what you think." Says a witty Sean as he folds his hands together. "Scott Blue is actually in great danger, and ran off because of his Father threatened to murder him." 

"WHICH IS WHY I'm here." Spat Keith. "That kid will be just like his Father by the 2020s! It's only necessary to find Leo in his prison cell. I need to speak to that man." 

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