Chapter 122: SCP-2094 "Motormouth"

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Here we see SCP-2094 aka Motormouth practicing his juggling with small rubber balls and we see him toss them into the air and then swallow them instantly.

Here we see SCP-2094 aka Motormouth practicing his juggling with small rubber balls and we see him toss them into the air and then swallow them instantly

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Motormouth: "Tada!"

The camera then pan around and we see pillow replicas of his audience as we see one of the pillows fall down on the floor.

Motormouth: "Man, I wish I was back in show business."

Just then we see the door bust down and we see a small clown car drive into the room and we see two hands come out of the clown car and one of them have against sack and we see the hands put Motormouth into the bag and then we see the hands take Motormouth out of the facility.

Sometime later, we see Motormouth come out of the bag and he sees his old circus troupe and Icky the Clown herself.

Motormouth: "Fellas! You came to rescue me!"

Icky: "Glad to have you back, Motormouth."

Motormouth then sees the Glam sisters and Fizzaroli in the room along with you.

Glitz and Glam: "You must be Motormouth!"

Fizzaroli: "Nice to meet a fellow clown."

Motormouth: "Who's the new acts?"

Icky: "From the underworld, these guys are Glitz and Glam and Fizzaroli. They used to work with Mammon and-"

Motormouth: "(Y/N), I'm glad to see you again buddy old pal!"

(Y/N): "Glad to see you again Motormouth."

Glitz and Glam: "You know each other?"

Motormouth: "Yeah he's the guy who found me when Manny left me in a crate and he's my only audience to practice my art of clowning."

Fizzaroli: "Wow, you watched his acts while he was in prison?"

(Y/N): "He needed an audience."

Glitz: "Icky told us about you."

Glam: "Did you really swallow a whole car?"

Motormouth: "Sure did, that's how I got the stage name Motormouth, and I got the power to prove it."

Motormouth opens his mouth inhumanly and then he spits out an anvil, weights, gasoline tanks, noise makers, and a giant RV as the demons were shocked and amazed by this as we see the IMP crew were in the room and they saw this.

Motormouth: "Ta da!"

Blitzo: "Woah not bad for the big MM himself."

(Y/N): "Motormouth's second stomach is a spatial anomaly that can hold in a lot of items and doesn't negatively affect his weight or body shape and he can stretch his mouth which at a maximum width of 2 meters in any direction."

Blitzo: "I bet he can give Asmodeus' giant dick one hell of a blow job."

Fizzaroli: "Seriously Blitz!"

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