Chapter 123: SCP-001 ''Ouroboros''

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Here we see everyone shocked to see you holding Adam's old lance which is the Spear of the Non-Believer after you pulled it out of Motormouth's second stomach.

Adam: "My lance! Wait, do you have my crown in there!?"

We then see Adam pick up Motormouth upside down and shake him around as we see a bowling ball, pillows, basket balls, a bengal tiger, 500 toy cars, 400 pounds of legos, fireworks, and a burger king crown, but Apollyons' crown was not inside of Motormouth.

Adam: "Damnit!"

Chloe: *Picks up a burger king crown* "Why do you even have this?"

Motormouth: "(Y/N) shared some burger king food and he gave me the crown to make me feel better. So I kept that as a memento."

Adam: *drops Motormouth*"That doesn't explain why you have my lance!"

(Y/N): "Well I'll tell you that in four stories that are related to the Ouroboros Cycle."

Adam: "Can you skip to the part on how you got my lance?!"

(Y/N): "No."

Adam: "Damnit!"

Sera: "Adam, let the boy speak."*to you*"You have our full attention."

(Y/N): "Alright there are 4 proposals, one about the Children, one about the Broken God, one about Atonement, and one about how it all ends."

Adam: "And is that good or bad?"

Sera: *changes into her angelic form*"Silence, Adam!"

Adam: *gulps in fear and hide behind Lute*"I'll be quiet."

(Y/N): "Alright starting with The Children."

Flashback sequence.

Here we see the Foundation fighting off a new enemy with conventional weapons and they were fighting off the Kingdom of Abaddon.

(Y/N): *narrating*"Many years ago, back when the Foundation was at its infancy. They were fighting off a new super power, these guys were called the Kingdom of Abaddon. A powerful army of reality benders. These guys were powerful, you will be turned to dust just by being near one of them."

Adam: *voice* "Fuck, they sound serious. They sound like my kind of guys."

Sera: *voice*"Adam!"

Adam: *voice*"Sorry...."

We see the remaining agents of the Foundation back at base and reporting to their superiors.

(Y/N): *narrating* "Anyways, out of the 100 agents sent to investigate the Sahara that night, only a small group of them survived. And the foundation needs to come up with a plan to stop them, but they don't know how powerful these guys are. They killed off 75 agents that night and they needed to come up with something, and quickly. The Abaddon guys stole a lot of stuff from the Foundation."

Blitzo: *voice* "Like what?"

(Y/N): *narrating*"That's classified information, anyways the higher ups of the Foundation taked research team Omega-5 to make a weapon so powerful that it can destroy the Kingdom of Abaddon once and for all. And the weapon have to attack from afar, cause if you attack up close, you're dead."

We then see Omega-5 working on the weapon in the year 1922.

(Y/N): *narrating*"The project was labeled Twins of God and the lead of the project was O5-1. He was a cool guy back then which makes him the perfect leader for the mission."

Blitzo: *voice* "Okay and what does that have to do with our current bs?"

Stolas: *voice*"Blitzy, pay attention and he will get to it."

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