Chapter 124: SCP-610 ''The Flesh that Hates''

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Here we see you and the others in a jeep on the way to the Quarantine zone containing SCP-610 where you were looking over the map of the quarantine zones.

Blitzo: "Okay what's the story on SCP-610?"

(Y/N): "SCP-610 is a contagious skin disease that has symptoms of rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause blemishes that resemble scar tissue from the chest, arm areas, legs, and back within an additional hour. It will consume the victim within 5 hours. Exposure to higher temperatures will speed up the process and the contagion will spread and complete the infection with a recorded time of 5 minutes."

Millie: "What we're coming here better be worth it, I'm colder than my sister dumping 666 succubi on a cold night in hell. And my sister was the only one who paid for their meals."

Moxxie: "Why would she do that?"

Millie: "Because all of those succubi found out that she is more hung than a box full of horses. She hates it when someone makes the lady pay the bill."

Moxie: *remembers Chaz*"Oh right, Chaz always stuck me with the bill and so does Blitz!"

Blitzo: "That's different Moxie, cause I always forget my wallet on dinner dates."

Verosika and Millie: "Ugh don't remind me."

Blitzo: "Guess there are people who fucks our wallets more than our asses."

Moxxie: "Anyways, what else should we know about SCP-610?"

(Y/N): "Well the contagion makes the body cease all life functions within an estimated 3 minutes and restart 2 to 3 times the activity rate of a normal human. The scar tissue on the victims-"

Blitzo: "Blah, blah turns into giant flesh monsters, let's get this job on the road. We're burning daylight, people."

(Y/N): "Actually they form settlements like a society of monstrous flesh monsters."

Blitzo: "What?"

Verosika: "It means they're a peaceful society of monsters of flesh, Blitz."

Blitzo: "Oh."

(Y/N): "Anyways let's get in, we just need a sample. We don't need an outbreak of SCP-610. Just one sample will do."

We see you and the others sneak into the quarantine and we see the group keeping an eye out for any guards that could be there.

Blitzo: "Okay so this place doesn't have any guards."

Millie: "Y'all remember last time when it was this quiet, right?"

Blitzo: "That was a bunch of monster dogs playing ventriloquist, this is a mutating skin disease."*to you*"By the way, are unicorns real and can I have one?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah there's SCP-4714, it's a plush toy made by Dr. Wondertainment that takes little girls to a stable in Kentucky."

Blitzo: "Hell yeah! How many Unicorns are there?!"

(Y/N): "There's none cause a group of interest called Ambrose Restaurants took them all and made a profit off of Unicorn meat."


Blitzo's screams was so loud that they went beyond time and space as we see the Scarlet King hearing a faint sound from Blitzo.

Scarlet King: "Huh? Did someone say something?"

Back to you.

Verosika: *whispers to Blitzo* "You're still on the horse thing?"

(Y/N): "Will you keep your voices down we need to be-"

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