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Vince's steps were silent as he made his way to his bedroom, the door giving off a small creak as it inched open.

Giving a small sigh as he opened the wardrobe, Vince glanced at Rody's sleeping figure and gave a small huff of a smile as he pulled out his usual uniform from the line of others just like it.

Closing the bedroom door behind him as he left, Vince walked to the bathroom and locked the door, clothes slipped off his figure and pooled to the floor for a second before being picked up and folded to be placed in a basket by the shower pen.

Vince paused before stepping into the shower to look at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes looked a bit more tired than usual due to last night's events but he exhaled and brushed it off.

Steam slowly began to fill the bathroom, air becoming thicker as Vince washed away his stress that would no doubt come back later in another form. 

Afterwards, a quick comb satisfied his standards for his towel-dried hair, quickly changing into the uniform that clung to still damp skin in some places.

“... Should I…” Vince muttered under his breath, steps taking him to the doorway of his bedroom and opening the door. He stood there, leaning slightly against the door frame.

Vince had a small towel resting around his neck to stop the water drops from reaching the collar of his uniform, chewing the inside of his cheek while staring at Rody.

Against his wishes, Vince knew it was better to wake Rody, going to his side and leaning down.

“Lamoree.” Vince said, waiting for any sort of response. “Rody… Rody… Wake up” He added, beginning to reach a hand out to touch Rody's shoulder and nudge him awake.

Before making contact, Rody's eyes slowly fluttered open, his body jerking a bit in surprise as he couldn't remember where he was. As Rody sat up quickly, he grabbed Vince's wrist from his outstretched hand tightly.

A flash of recognition sparked in Rody's eyes when he saw Vince's wide eyes staring back at him. “I… Where…” Memories flooded back as Rody softened his grip, looking up at Vince with softer eyes.

Vince slipped his hand out of Rody's grip only to rest it on Rody’s already messy red hair and ruffling it further.

“Hey! I'm not a dog, don't pet me like one” Rody pouted with furrowed brows.

Vince couldn't help but ruffle Rody's hair more, ruffling it over his eyes and stepping away towards the bedroom door. “Just wanted to let you know I'm leaving, you can get presentable and come down to the restaurant. I'll make you breakfast down there.”

Rody pushed his hair back to see. “Alright… I'll be down in a bit.” He called after Vince, looking around the bedroom to really wrap his mind around where he was until he heard the front door open and close.

With a sigh, Rody let himself fall back onto the surprisingly soft bed, rolling onto his side and stretching himself out over the wine colored sheets.

Rody inhaled the smell around him, it was a very distinct smell that always seemed to follow the area around Vince. It was such a weird scent to describe, somehow it smelled like fine lotions mixed with butter and… copper? Or something of metallic nature.

Whatever it was, Rody found a strange comfort in it as well as un underlying alarm going off in his head yet he pushed it aside. Rody's eyes began to droop before he caught himself and scrambled to stand 

“No. Stop it. Vince is waiting for you.” Rody said, lightly slapping his cheeks to wake himself up. With a small turn on his heels with the intention of fixing the bed sheets, he panicked as he saw marks of dirt on them.

Looking down, Rody groaned as he realized he still had his shoes on. “I'll wash those for Vince later…” He muttered, feeling guilty as he walked to where he remembered the bathroom being.

Rody washed his hair in the sink, not wanting to impose too much by showering. Yet, since he didn't think it through, he ended up using Vince's towel to dry his hair off a bit, even if only enough for it to stop dripping all over the floor.

Fully aware that he was looking like a mess, Rody walked back to Vince's bedroom and looked through the closet, pulling out the black sweater Vince had let him borrow once.

“If he let me use it once, it shouldn't bother him if I use it again” Rody convinced himself as he slipped it on, it was a bit of a tighter fit than he usually preferred his clothes to be but it was better than showing up like before.

It was then that it clicked for Rody, he was alone in Vince's apartment without supervision. He could afford to snoop a little bit.

Since the bedroom was already investigated a few days ago, Rody went to the living room, not really feeling the bathroom or kitchen would be interesting.

The decoration in the living room always seemed odd to Rody but strangely he could find himself getting used to it as he looked around the small display of vinyl records, looking into drawers with certificates of culinary school and what seemed to be old letters.

Everything seemed boring, he groaned, somehow asking himself why he was like this… why he insisted on looking for trouble as soon as he and Vince had just gotten back to their good place.

Rody dragged his fingertips over the long bookshelf in the living room on his way to the door, his fingers catching slightly in an open space between a few.

Rody wanted to put the books together back to back, something about the random space ticking him off. Yet as much as he tried the books wouldn't budge, something between them not letting the covers touch.

With his index finger, Rody caught onto metal that scraped against the wood as he slid it out, a familiar gold metal now resting in his palm.

Forbidden Appetite (Rody × Vince)Where stories live. Discover now