Night Out in the City

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Y/n led the way toward the parking lot where his motorcycle was parked. The afternoon sun glinted off the sleek, black surface of the bike, catching Stephanie's eye immediately.

"Wow, is that yours?" Stephanie asked, her voice tinged with admiration as they approached the motorcycle. Her eyes traced the contours of the machine, clearly impressed.

"Yeah, got it not too long ago," Y/n replied, a hint of pride in his voice as he patted the seat. He hadn't planned on going out, especially not with someone else, as evidenced by the single helmet hanging from the handlebars.

Stephanie circled the bike, her curiosity evident. "It's beautiful. I've never ridden on a motorcycle before," she admitted, her gaze still fixed on the bike.

Seeing her interest, Y/n made a quick decision. He grabbed the helmet and handed it to her. "Want to give it a try? I only have one helmet, though," he cautioned, a little apologetic about the oversight.

"Really? Can I?" Stephanie's face lit up with excitement, any reservations she might have had about riding on a motorcycle seemingly evaporated.

"Sure," Y/n said, a smile breaking across his face at her enthusiasm. "Here, you'll need this then." He handed her the helmet, which she took eagerly, fitting it over her head and securing the strap under her chin.

"Get on," Y/n instructed, gesturing to the space behind him on the seat. He watched as Stephanie swung a leg over the bike, settling in behind him. "Hold on tight," he added, as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

With a final check to ensure she was secure, Y/n started the motorcycle, the engine rumbling to life under them. Y/n maneuvered out of the school parking lot and onto the main road, the city around them began to transition from the busy daytime hustle to the more serene evening calm. The setting sun painted the skyline in shades of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the buildings.

The wind whipped around them, and the roar of the engine melded with the sounds of the bustling city. Stephanie, holding tightly onto Y/n from behind, couldn't contain her excitement. As they accelerated down the avenue, she let out a joyous shout, the thrill of the ride and the beauty of the evening filling her with exhilaration.

"This is amazing!" Stephanie yelled over the noise, her voice carrying a mix of thrill and delight. The cool evening air rushed past them, bringing with it the scents of the city—food vendors preparing for the night, distant salt from the nearby sea, and the faint trace of blooming flowers from the parks they sped past.

Y/n couldn't help but smile, feeling the tension of the first day of school melt away in the freedom of the ride. He took a route that skirted the city's scenic spots, riding along the waterfront where the water reflected the fiery hues of the sunset.

The light faded slowly as they rode, the city lights beginning to flicker on one by one, replacing the natural light with a twinkling urban landscape. Buildings, bridges, and monuments lit up, creating a picturesque view that made the ride even more magical.

Turning his head slightly to ensure he could be heard, Y/n shouted back to Stephanie, "You like it?"

"I love it!" she shouted back, her enthusiasm unabated. Her grip tightened in excitement as they took a gentle curve, leaning slightly with the motion of the bike.

Y/n guided the motorcycle into the parking area of Titan Plaza, the impressive structure living up to its name. The building was shaped like a monumental 'T', towering above the surrounding cityscape. Its entire façade was clad in gleaming glass windows, each pane reflecting the twinkling stars of the night sky, save for the roof which seemed to capture the darkness itself.

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