Boden and Benny find out that their children slept together

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Stella and Kelly wake up in the morning and take a shower and Stella gets dressed in yesterday's clothes and Kelly gets ready for her shift and Stella says Kelly I didn't tell my dad where I am do you think he'll be mad Kelly says considering we slept together I doubt if he wants me to be happy he will support me and turns to Kelly tell me what you think what will dad say to you Kelly says he won't be surprised because I've slept with a lot of women so don't worry and he walks up to Stella and says don't worry you'll be the last one I'll be with and they kiss. And then there's a knock on the door and Kelly opens the door and Benny and Boden come in and they say we need to talk and then they talk and finally Stella asks her dad what are you going to do and Boden says nothing me and your mom had a fight this morning and Stella asks why and Benny says because your mom is right I do a dangerous job and we've talked about it a hundred times and it came to the surface today and then I left and Benny asks you two slept together no and Stella says yes and leans on Kelly and Boden and Benny says we are happy for your baby and Kelly you finally found your love Boden says and then Ben and Benny leave and Stella goes home to change and Kelly waits for her to change and takes her to work and then Stella and Kelly kiss and Stella says Kelly see you and then Kelly goes to work.

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