Chapter 1: You Don't Know

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                It was the end of the school day and Pinkie noticed Shimmer and Coral talking so she decided to join them. "Hey, Shimmer. Hi, Coral." Pinkie said.

                     "Oh. Hey, Pinkie." Shimmer replied.

                    Coral didn't respond. Instead she just waved her hand and smiled.

                        "You guys doing anything after school, today?" Pinkie asked.

                        "I'm going for a swim with my boyfriend." Coral replied.

                            "You have a boyfriend?" Pinkie asked in disbelief.

                          Coral nodded. "His name is Trident Reef. He's from my kingdom."

                          "So, not a prince?" Pinkie asked.

                               "Yep." Coral replied.

                                   "Neat." Pinkie commented.  "Anyways, what bout you, Shimmer?"

    "I heard a water park just opened, right here in Canterlot." Shimmer replied. "So, I'm gonna check it out."

                              Coral shook her head. "That's not a good idea."

                              "How come?" Shimmer asked in confusion.

                                 "There's things about necklace wearers you still don't know." Coral assured.

                               "Well, let me figure them out." Shimmer countered.

                                 "No. You're gonna get caught." Coral warned.

                                  "Coral, I'll be careful. Ok?" Shimmer asked.

                                     Coral let out a heavy sigh. "Ok."

                            "Now, I gotta go." Shimmer said as she walked away. "See you at home, later?"

                      Coral nodded as she left the school.

Twinkle then appeared behind her. "So, Shimmer's going to the new marine park." 

                        "Gah!" Coral exclaimed. "Don't sneak up on me like that, Twinkle."

                       "Sorry." Twinkle replied. She then turned to Pinkie. "I need you to keep an eye on Shimmer for me."

                                    "You got it." Pinkie agreed with a salute.

           "Good." Twinkle said as she wrote down her number. "Here's my number. Call me if she gets into trouble."

                                          Pinkie nodded.

                                        "Excellent." Twinkle said. "Coral, do ya need a ride home?" 

                       "That'd be nice, thank you." Coral replied as she followed Twinkle to her car.

                                                       ~Time Skip~

                                            "Wow." Shimmer exclaimed. "This place is cool." She then continued to  walk through the park, until she heard a strange clicking sound. "What was that?" She looked around only to see two dolphins, trying to get her attention. "Slow down, what'd you say?"

                                                   The dolphin clicked in reply.

                                              "Wait, did I just understand you?" Shimmer asked in disbelief.

                                               They clicked again.

                     "Huh, weird." Shimmer commented as she knelt down. "Anyways, you were saying?"

                                            They clicked some more.

        "I see. So, the owner of this park wants the orcas to perform like you guys?" Shimmer asked.

                                             The dolphins clicked happily.

                                             "Hmm." Shimmer said.

                                              Just then, Shimmer heard footsteps approach.

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