Chapter 3: Mysterious Miss Clam

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          "You called?" a light purple girl with purple and teal hair asked.

                 "Yes, Starlight." Miss Clam replied. "I need the orcas taken to the training tank."

                 "But ma'am, I can't train them. I've tried." Starlight said.

                     "What's the problem?" Miss Clam asked.

                         "They don't listen to me." Starlight exclaimed in reply. As she did do, the orcas swam back to the far side of their tank.

                              Shimmer knelt down in front of it. "Shh. It's ok. She's just frustrated, that's all."

                                The orcas swam to Shimmer with little hesitation.

                            Starlight's eyes went wide. "Who are you?"

                                      "I'm Princess Shimmer Song of Lyrica." Shimmer replied. "And you are?"

                                       "Starlight Glimmer, I'm one of the trainers here." Starlight replied.

                       "Oh, Starlight. Don't be so modest. You're the best trainer here." Miss Clam corrected.

                                     "If you say so." Starlight said.

                                          "Hmm." Miss Clam said as she thought about something. "I have an idea."

                                             "What is it?" Shimmer asked curiously.

                                               "You train the orcas." Miss Clam replied.

                                             "Me? Oh, no no no." Shimmer disagreed.

                                                "Why?"  Miss Clam asked in disbelief. "They listen to you."

                                                  "Maybe the princess thinks she's need to have a job." Starlight teased.

                                                  "That's not it." Shimmer said as her hair deflated a little. She then thought for a moment as she reflated. "I'll do it. However, I'll only do it, if the following are met."

                                            "Elaborate." Miss Clam said.

                   "I can only do it, if it's after hours and if I'm the only person here." Shimmer explained.

                                            "May I ask, why?" Miss Clam asked curiously.

                                   "Necklace wearers such as myself, have to keep certain things a secret." Shimmer replied. "And this involves the biggest one."

                                               "Hmm." Miss Clam said. "Alright. You gotta deal."

                                                  "Good." Shimmer replied as she pulled a piece of paper out of nowhere. "Here's my number. Call me before the park closes."

                                                    "Will do." Miss Clam agreed as she watched Shimmer walk away. "Starlight, you and the others get the orcas in the training tank."

                                                    "Yes, ma'am." Starlight replied as she left to do so.

                                                        "There's something strange about you, princess." Miss Clam whispered to herself. "Tonight, I'll be watching you."


                                    "Cheese, did you hear that?" Pinkie asked as she and Cheese hid a bush.

                                                  Cheese nodded. "We gotta tell Twinkle."

                                                   "Agreed." Pinkie replied.

                                                   "Hello, guys." Shimmer said as she appeared behind them.

                    "He, hey Shimmer." Pinkie said nervously as she and Cheese slowly turned around.

                                               "What's going on?" Cheese added.

                                                 "Did Twinkle really ask you two to stalk me?" Shimmer asked curiously.

                               "Well, she asked me to." Pinkie replied. "So, I asked Cheese if he wanted to help and he said yes."

                                                 "Why?" Shimmer asked.

                                                    "Just in case, you got into any trouble." Pinkie replied.

                                                      "Everything's fine." Shimmer assured.

Cheese shook his head. "We heard Miss Clam whisper to herself about how she's gonna watch you, tonight."

                                                    "Shimmy, she's on to you." Pinkie added.

                                                     "Relax, guys." Shimmer said. "Nothing bad is gonna happen."

                                                    "If you say so." Cheese deadpanned.

      "We're gonna continue to keep an eye on things. Just in case." Pinkie assured with a smile.

                    Shimmer let a heavy sigh. "Thank you. I'm gonna go home and get ready for tonight."

                           "We'll be here." Pinkie said.

                                  "And we'll keep watch of Miss Clam for ya." Cheese added.

                                      "Good." Shimmer replied as she left the park and drove home.

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