Chapter 2: Helpful

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   "Hello, princess." a lady said, once she approached Shimmer.

  "Oh. Um, hello." Shimmer replied as she stood up.

     "It seems like you're enjoying yourself." the lady said.

  "I am." Shimmer agreed. "Wait, who are you?"

      "I'm Miss Clam, owner of this here marine park." Miss Clam replied. "I'm also a marine biologist."

            "Uh, huh." Shimmer said as the dolphins clicked at her. "Shh."

            "Something wrong?" Miss Clam asked.

            "No." Shimmer replied as one of the dolphins pushed her. "Stop."

               "Hey you two, leave the princess alone." Miss Clam said.

                 However, the dolphins ignored her. Instead, they kept clicking at Shimmer.

                   "Alright, I'll tell her." Shimmer said in defeat. She then cleared her throat. "I heard you want the orcas to perform, is that right?"

                         "Correct." Miss Clam replied. "How'd ya know that?"

                           "Um, people around the park told me." Shimmer quickly replied.

                               "Really? Cause it seems like the dolphins told you." Miss Clam said in suspicion.

                                  "What? Dolphins can't talk." Shimmer countered.

                                "You sure?" Miss Clam asked.

                                "Yep." Shimmer nervously replied.

                                "Anyway, the park's trainer and I have tried everything but the orcas refuse to perform, let alone train." Miss Clam said. "I don't know what to do."

                                     "Hmm." Shimmer said as she thought about it. "Maybe I can help."

                                       "How?" Miss Clam asked curiously.

                                        "Bring me to them." Shimmer said.

                                          "That doesn't answer my question." Miss Clam pointed out.

                                         "Trust me." Shimmer said.

                                              Miss Clam shrugged her shoulders. "What have I got to lose?"

                                                "Perfect." Shimmer exclaimed. "Lead the way."

                                                      Miss Clam then lead Shimmer to the orca tank.

                                                                                  ~Time Skip~

                                                      "Here they are." Miss Clam announced.

                                                        Shimmer walked up to and knelt down in front of the tank. "Hello."

                                                         The orcas didn't respond. 

                                                         "It's ok." Shimmer assured. "I won't hurt you."

                                         The orcas looked at each other before they slowly swam towards Shimmer.

  "That's better." Shimmer said. "Now, I heard you guys refuse to perform. Mind telling me, why?"

                                                  The orcas explained the situation to Shimmer.

                                                           "Hmm." Shimmer said.

                                              "Can you understand them?" Miss Clam asked in shocked disbelief.

                                                            "Um, yes." Shimmer replied nervously. "And you were right. The dolphins were the ones who informed me about these guys not wanting to perform."

                                                             "I knew it." Miss Clam said. "Anyways, what'd they say?"

    "They refuse to train and perform because they're nervous." Shimmer replied as she stood up.

                                         "That's ridiculous." Miss Clam exclaimed. "They're animals not people."

                                              Shimmer shook her head. "Doesn't matter. All livings things can feel emotions, such as nervousness."

           "If you say so." Miss Clam said as she pulled out a walkie talkie. "Starlight, report to the orca tank. Immediately."

                             "Yes ma'am." Starlight replied from on the other side of said walkie talkie.

                              "She'll be here soon, princess."  Miss Clam assured.

                            "Alright." Shimmer said as both she and Miss Clam waited for Starlight.

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