Chapter 6: Twin Sister Freakout

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                      It was the next day and Twinkle wasn't doing good. "Why didn't she come home last night? Did something happen to her? Ugh, I should have never let her go back to that stupid marine park." Twinkle screamed as she cried and threw stuff around her room.

                     "Twinkle, are you ok?" Maestro asked as he slowly opened his sister's door.

                  "Huh? Oh. Hi, Maestro." Twinkle said with a sniffle. "But no I'm not ok."

                "Why? Did something happen?" Maestro asked curiously.

                    Twinkle nodded. "Shimmer went to the marine park after school yesterday and offered to train orcas for them. However, she'd only do so if it was after the park had closed for the day and she was the only one there. The park's owner, Miss Clam agreed. Shimmer came home to do her homework before she went back to the park, she didn't come home afterwards. I'm scared something happened to her."

                          "I see." Maestro said.

                             Just then, an all pink person with blue eyes appeared out of nowhere. "Twinkle, we have a problem." the person said.

                         "What is it, Pinkie?" Twinkle asked.

                        "Miss Clam is bad." Pinkie replied. "She locked Shimmer in the marine park's training tank building, in merform without her necklace."

                           "Who are you and how do you know that?" Maestro asked.

                           "I'm Shimmer's friend, Pinkie Pie. She tasked me and my boyfriend, Cheese Sandwich to keep an eye on the park while she was there, last night." Pinkie replied. "Also, Cheese and I watched everything go down on the security cameras."

                                  "Well, then." Maestro commented.

       "Pinkie, did Miss Clam say what she plans on doing with Shimmer?" Twinkle asked curiously.

                                "She plans on showing Shimmer's merform to the world." Pinkie replied. "She claims to have pictures of merpeople but hasn't released them due to the fact that people might think she's crazy."

                                    "So, she needed an actual merperson." Twinkle said in realization. "We've gotta get Shimmer back."

                                        "I agree." Maestro said. "But how?"

                                            "Cheese and I will go to the marine park, tonight and confront Miss Clam." Pinkie replied. "No doubt she's got Shimmer's necklace with her."

                                              "Wait, what about us?" Maestro asked. "She's our sister."

                                             "True but that means you're necklace wearers too." Pinkie agreed. "It's not safe for you guys to be there, lest you get captured also."

                                               "Oh. So, it's safer if we send humans." Maestro said in realization.

                                                 Pinkie nodded.

                                   "Then it's settled." Twinkle said. "Pinkie and Cheese will rescue Shimmer."

                           "What do we do with Miss Clam?" Pinkie asked. "We can't let roam free, right?"

                                                  "That's true." Twinkle agreed. "Tell ya what, you and Cheese free Shimmer and afterwards I'll deal with Miss Clam."

                                                            "Or I could." Maestro said.

                        "You are not using a siren song on Miss Clam." Twinkle said as she glared at him.

                                                           "Aw, come on." Maestro whined. "She deserves it."

                                                            "No." Twinkle said.

                                                          "You're no fun." Maestro commented.

                                 "Awkward." Pinkie said as she looked anywhere but at Twinkle and Maestro.

                                                  "Just go save Shimmer." Twinkle deadpanned.

                                                        "Ok." Pinkie said with a smile as she dissapeared.

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