Chapter 5: Mistakes Were Made

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         "Miss Clam, I'm here." Shimmer announced.

        "Excellent." Miss Clam said. "Starlight, please escort the princess to the training tank."

         "Yes, ma'am." Starlight replied. "Right this way."

          "Um, thanks." Shimmer said as she followed Starlight.

        After quite a bit of walking. "Here we are." Starlight said.

         "Thanks." Shimmer replied.

          "He, good luck." Starlight said as she walked away.

               Shimmer turned around and saw nothing but an empty tank. Just then she heard what sounded like a loud speaker turning on.

               "Did you honestly think that  I don't know what you and your fellow necklace wearers are?" Miss Clam asked from over the loud speaker. "Dear, I'm a marine biologist. I know more than you think."

                      "You know what I am. So, what?" Shimmer asked.

                        "I can use that to my advantage." Miss Clam replied.

                         "How?" Shimmer asked.

                        "You either work for me or I expose the truth about necklace wearers to the world." Miss Clam replied.

                         Shimmer scoffed. "No one would believe you."

                          "Oh, really?" Miss Clam asked. "I've got proof."

                          "What proof?" Shimmer asked.

     "I've taken pictures of your fellow necklace wearers with their tails, showing." Miss Clam replied.

                                 "Whatever. People will just think the pictures are edited." Shimmer pointed out.

                                "I could always just show them one." Miss Clam teased.

                                      "What'd ya mean?" Shimmer asked nervously.

                                       "Allow me to show ya." Miss Clam replied.

                                           Just then Shimmer a machine sound coming from above her and without missing a beat, the machine grabbed her in a way in which she couldn't move her arms. Moments later, she heard footsteps.

                                            After a few minutes, Miss Clam appeared.

                                            "Get, get away from me." Shimmer said in panic, her necklace swinging freely on her neck as she thrashed about, trying to free herself.

                                            "And what are you gonna do to stop me?" Miss Clam asked as she approached Shimmer. "Oh, wait. Nothing. You will do nothing but hang there."

              Shimmer swallowed hard as Miss Clam stood in front of her. "What're you about to do?"

  "I wanna see your tail." Miss Clam replied as she grabbed the gemstone on Shimmer's necklace.

       In a instant, Shimmer's form changed. "There you saw it. Now, I command you get me down."

                                  "Of course." Miss Clam said. "But first, I'll be taking this." She then removed Shimmer's necklace from her.

                                    "Hey, give that back!" Shimmer yelled.

                "Not happening." Miss Clam said as she put Shimmer's necklace around her own neck.

                                      "Ya know you wearing it's not gonna do anything, right?" Shimmer asked.

  "On the contrary, it does." Miss Clam replied. "It keeps you from changing back and escaping."

                                          "You're the worst." Shimmer said as she glared as Miss Clam.

                                       "No, I just played you to get what I want." Miss Clam said. "It's getting late so I'm gonna go, now." She then walked towards the door which leads to the training tank building. "Good night, princess." Miss Clam then shut the door and locked it.

                                          Shimmer let out a deep sigh as she sat up and held her tail close to her chest. "What am I going to do?"

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