Chapter 8: Everything's Ok

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    "Shimmer, we're here." Pinkie announced as she and Cheese appeared inside the training tank building.

             "Pinkie, Cheese, what're you doing here?" Shimmer asked in confusion.

               "Saving you." Cheese replied. "Twinkle is dealing with Miss Clam."

                 "You guys kept an eye on me and then told my family what happened, didn't ya?" Shimmer asked.

                   "Of course, we did." Pinkie replied.

                     "We're your friends." Cheese added.

                        "Do you have my necklace?" Shimmer asked.

                      "Yep." Pinkie replied as she held it up. She then brought it over and gave it to Shimmer. "Here ya go."

                         "Thanks." Shimmer said as she put it on. She then stood up and hugged them.

                  "You're welcome." Pinkie replied.

       "We should probably go make sure Twinkle's handling  Miss Clam ok." Cheese suggested.

                          "Good idea." Shimmer agreed. "Let's go."

                              The three of them then left the building to look for Twinkle.

                                                            ~Time Skip~

                               "Shimmer, you're ok!" Twinkle exclaimed as she ran up to her sister and hugged her. "I was so worried."

                                 "Twinkle, I'm fine. Really." Shimmer assured. 

                                   "Aww." Pinkie commented.

                                      "Where's Miss Clam?" Cheese asked curiously.

                                    "She went to jail." Twinkle replied. "Merperson jail."

                                     "How? She's human." Shimmer asked in confusion.

                                    "I called Grandma Symphony and explained everything to her. So, she came up here with Lily and Ocean. Grandma then turned Miss Clam into a mermaid, and took her to the Lyrican dungeon where she awaits her trial." Twinkle explained in reply.

                                         "Oh." Shimmer said.

                                        "Merpeople are fascinating." Pinkie commented.

                                          "They sure are." Cheese agreed.

          "It's getting pretty late." Shimmer said. "And I'd rather not spend the night here, again."

                                        "Fair point." Twinkle agreed. "Let's get you home."

                                         "Night, Song Twins." Pinkie said as she and Cheese headed towards her car.

                                         "Night, you two." Shimmer replied as she followed Twinkle to her car.

                                                    Some time later, "Maestro, look who's home." Twinkle called.

                                                    "Shimmer!" Maestro yelled as he ran down the stairs. "Are you ok?"

                        "I'm fine just tired." Shimmer replied with a yawn as she went upstairs for the night.

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