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The truth was, while Jeno was missing Jaemin at school on Monday, Jaemin was actually driving up to Daegu to go visit Jisungie, taking the school day off; and he didn't have to worry about his work, because the restaurant wasn't open on Mondays.

He didn't think it was important to tell Jeno like he used to tell him everything; as much as Jaemin hated to do so, he had begun purposely distancing himself from his crush, knowing that it wasn't right to keep on hindering Jeno and Kiara's relationship of quite a few years. As much as he didn't want to think that way, Jaemin knew that he was the muddy footprint that had stepped onto the floor of a beautiful, exquisite mansion. So now he was taking steps to clean that mud off.

His mind had become dependent on spending time with Jeno; now he started to think about other things to take his mind off the boy. His dongsaeng was always a good distraction.

Today was the best distraction of all, because not only was Jaemin going to visit Jisung, but Jaehyun was also coming over. Jaemin was elated.

It would be a surprise to Jisung, who didn't know he was having any visitors at all.

It was eleven in the morning when Jaemin's vehicle rolled into one of the rehab center's parking spaces. He got out and stretched his legs, then pulled out his phone to call his hyung, who picked up after a few seconds.


"I just got here," Jaemin told his hyung. He could tell by background noise on the other end that Jaehyun was still on the road. "Where are you?"

"About fifteen minutes away."

"Oh okay. I'm in the parking lot C. We should go in together?"


"Okii. I'm waiting for you," Jaemin couldn't conceal his smile.

"Okay Nana."

Nana sat back in the driver's seat and scrolled his phone for approximately fifteen minutes. He'd look up every now and then when another vehicle strolled into the lot, seeing if it was his hyung.

Finally, a silver SUV pulled into the lot, and Jaemin squinted to see the handsome Asian face behind the car window. He almost squealed aloud.

It was actually his hyung. In the flesh. His precious hyung that he hadn't seen in almost five years now.

Jaemin wanted to open his car door, step out, and run up to him so badly but his body wouldn't let him. It sat there in front of the wheel, frozen. He felt himself shaking, tears forming, as he watched almost in slow-motion, Jeong Jaehyun get out of the car and come toward him.

Open the door and get out, pabo, Jaemin thought to himself. He didn't, but instead, laid a shaky finger on the window button and rolled down the window.

Jaehyun came over and bent down to see Jaemin sitting in the driver's seat. He gave a soft laugh. "Are you coming out?"

Jaemin looked at him with wide eyes and gave a small nod, but he didn't budge. Jaehyun noticed his glassy eyes and felt emotional as well.

Seeing that his little brother was too overwhelmed to make a move, Jaehyun opened the driver's door himself and bent down to give Jaemin a hug, which made poor Nana go berserk.

"Hyung," he sobbed and returned the hug, crying his tears into Jaehyun's shoulder. The older patted his back comfortingly, a few silent tears making their way down his face. "Nana, you're getting my shirt wet," he teased lovingly.

They sat there for quite a while, the older trying to calm the younger down. When he finally succeeded and Nana was just left sniffling, they caught up on some major things before remembering Jisung in the building.

"Come on," Jaehyun dragged Jaemin with his teary face out of the car.

"It will be embarrassing. Jisungie doesn't see me cry," Jaemin admitted.

"It's okay, you still look pretty."

The two headed inside and requested to see Park Jisung at the front desk, then they sat in the lobby for a few minutes and waited.

When he spotted Jisung coming down the hall, Jaemin quickly told Jaehyun to hide for a bit. "Hi Jisungie!" Jaemin waved him over with a big smile. The shy smile that broke out on Jisung's face when he saw his hyung was precious. "Hyung," he responded timidly, and awkwardly gave Jaemin a hug.

"How's it been here?" Jaemin asked as Jisung took a seat in the lobby next to him.

"It's okay, I guess," Jisung shrugged.

"Where do you wanna eat lunch?"

Jisung was about to answer when someone from behind covered his eyes, and the dongsaeng was confused. Wasn't Jaemin-hyung sitting right next to him?

"Guess who?"

It was a low, gentle voice, and Jisung let out a little "whoa" because he wasn't expecting that. "J-jaemin hyung?" he said, not because he thought Jaemin was the owner of the voice, but maybe he was confirming that his hyung was still beside him.

Jaemin just giggled in response, making Jisung more confused than ever. Jaehyun uncovered his eyes with a laugh and the younger immediately turned around to see who it was. When he saw it was his oldest hyung, his mouth dropped open. He formed words but no sound came out. And, the baby Jisungie was, of course began crying as soon as the reality hit him.

It didn't matter that there were other people in the lobby, other people scurrying around the building, other people staring at them. In the moment, it was just three brothers, happy to reunite, forgetting to save their "man" faces. It was okay to cry.

It was a beautiful reunion.

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