Windbreaker City-2

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A/N: Let me know how you guys like this chapter~~~


Just as Sam and Nick walked along with Terry, Jake and Charles to their designated spots, Kate walked up to them. "Oh hey guys, NYPD!" she called out from behind to make them halt. "What's up?" Terry asked. 

"Uh, we have a member less for the tact team, would one of you like to join us?" Kate asked. "I will love to take up tha-" Jake spoke with excitement. "Nick, how about you join us?" Kate asked, looking directly at Nick. Sam turned to face Nick, waiting for his answer. 

"I uh sure, I'll take that up." Nick said readily. "Uh babe, you sure about that?" Sam asked, having not expected him to say yes. "It's just a tact game, Sam. He'll be fine. Come on, Nickie." Kate said with her annoyingly sweet smile before Nick could answer. She could only look at Nick as he got pulled away by Kate. 


"I cannot believe she had to nerve to just pull him with her like that." Sam spoke with anger, more to herself as the 'terrorists' taped her wrists to a chair. "Can you leave me some wiggle room so I can check my phone periodically?" Jake asked as the ATF men tied them to the chairs with tape. "Why? Waiting for your mom to text?" the guy asked, smugly. 

"No, actually, I'm waiting for a girl who broke up with me to text." he explained. "Oh Jacob.." Sam sighed. "That's way worse." the man said, pitying on the officer and left with his teammate to guard outside. "Yeah, it's bad." Jake said agreeing.

"This sucks." Sam said, thinking about her own situation. "You're right. I just got dumped by a mega-fox and no one's letting me shoot a big gun about it." Jake kept complaining. "All right, you know what? Screw this." he said, feeling a surge of adrenaline through him to do something off the rulebook. 

"I'm not gonna just sit here like a loser. Boyle, free me, then I'll free you. We're fighting back." Jake said to Charles. "No, Jake. We are behaving so we can be invited again next year." Terry said, calmly, trying his best to contain his best officer from doing anything stupid. 

"Sarge, with all due respect, I am going to completely ignore everything you just said." Jake said. Sam let out a grunt as she yanked her hands that had been taped to the armrest of the chair. "And she did too. You go, Sam! Untie us now." Jake said and Sam quickly untied him first. 

"All right, Sarge. Now to cut you loose-" Sam said. "No, I'm staying tied up. I don't care how much of a jerk Kendrick is. I want it to be clear I had no part in this." he said. "No offense, but you are a huge waste of muscles." she replied, bluntly. "Offense.." Terry said, clearly offended.

"Okay, Boyle. There's two guards outside this door. We need their guns. You know what to do." Jake said, looking at Charles with a menacing look. "Beat 'em up?" he asked. "Pretend to be sick and lure them in here." Sam whispered. "Right. The Charles. Here we go." Boyle said with a look of realization and sat again in his chain and so did Sam, pretending to be tied up.

"Help! I need help. I'm sick." Charles called for the ATF guys stood outside. "Is this part of the drill? What's wrong?" the guy called back from outside. "I have Seasonal Affective Disorder." Charles excused. "What?" Sam whispered in confusion. 

"It's a serious condition that affects millions of Americans." Charles informed her. Just then, one of the ATF guys playing the 'terrorists' walked in and went alert on how Jake wasn't in his place while Jake, who was hidden, showed up and snatched the gun from the man and held him on the paint gun point. 

"What the hell?" the guy asked. "We're fighting back, you terrorist crap sack." Jake said while Sam and Charles got up from their chairs. "Also, thank you for including us in this event." Terry added, still tied to the chair. "You got a partner outside, right? Call him in here." Sam said.

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