chapter 17

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- Sumeru?

(Y/N) was still sitting on the couch next to Baizhu, both with eyes open wide. Hu Tao was smirking and Zhongli had his arms crossed. 

- Of course, Tar- Childe would come as well. - said Zhongli. - He's the only one, apart from Miss Hu, who has fighting experience.

Zhongli had just told (Y/N) that they were going to Sumeru to pick flowers for Rex Lapis' funeral. Hu Tao seemed super excited at the idea and Zhongli looked as if Hu Tao had dragged him into this. However, Baizhu frowned.

- Zhongli, I think you are aware that (Y/N) is in danger, right? - he said seriously.

- I am aware, yes. - he said.

- The why are you dragging her all the way to Sumeru? - he asked. - That's reckless!

- I am reminding you that the only thing that connects (Y/N) with her family right now is Yanxin, and I doubt he would tell them of her whereabouts. - said Zhongli.

- And, besides, old man, Sumeru is super far from here! - said Hu Tao.  

- Hu Tao. - frowned Zhongli. 

- Sorry. - she said. - Not-so-old-man. 

Zhongli rolled his eyes and Baizhu sighed.

- But still... If someone does blab that she's in Sumeru, she only has you three to protect her, if we count Childe. - he said. 

- Oh, come on, you just don't want her away from you. - said Hu Tao. 

Baizhu blushed and looked away. (Y/N) blushed too and looked at her lap. Zhongli tried not to smile and Hu Tao was smirking unabashedly. Yanfei, who was in a corner, listening in, chuckled.

- That's... not true. - he said sheepishly. - I mean, I do like having you near me- I mean, as friends and all...

- I think 'old man' is not a good title for Baizhu. He barely has any experience in love. - smiled Yanfei.

- WE'RE NOT IN LOVE! - Baizhu and (Y/N) shouted, blushing furiously.

Everyone chuckled. 


- Well, (Y/N), are you coming!? - asked Hu Tao excitedly. 

- I mean, you'll pay me an extra, right? - (Y/N) asked.

- If that makes you come, I'll pay the triple! - Hu Tao said happily.

- And-? - Zhongli started.

- No Zhongli, you're getting paid exactly the same. - Hu Tao frowned.

Zhongli sighed, grimacing, and uncrossed his arms.

- It was worth a try, Zhongli. - said (Y/N), smiling.

- Yes, but as always, Ms. Hu seems to have you as her favourite. - said Zhongli. 

- I have no favourites. - said Hu Tao, pouting. - By the way, Baizhu, where's my favourite zombie?

- She's currently hiding from you. - said Yanfei. - She saw you through the window.

- Aiyah! What a shame... - said Hu Tao.

- Oh, Qiqi's here? - asked (Y/N).

- Yes, she came by before Yanxin arrived. - said Yanfei.

- Oh, that explains it. - sighed (Y/N) and sunk into the couch. 

Baizhu sighed as well and pulled (Y/N) into a side-hug and she put her head on his shoulder. 

"They're both so oblivious" thought everyone in the room.


- Are you sure you want to go? - asked Baizhu. 

They were both in the garden, at midday. (Y/N) was watering some flowers and Baizhu was sitting on the ground while playing with Qiqi, who had decided to reappear.

- I mean, it's my part- time job. I need the money. - said (Y/N).

Baizhu grunted and threw the ball to Qiqi. 

- I can't bother you forever. - said (Y/N)- It's nice living with you, but eventually, you'll get tired of me. I need to buy a house for myself.

- I'll never get tired of you. - blurted out Baizhu, catching the ball.

(Y/N) who had crouched to look more closely at a flower hadn't heard him right.

- Hm? 

- Nothing, nothing. -Baizhu said quickly. - Talking to myself.

(Y/N) smiled and kept watering the flowers. 

Some time later, Qiqi came up to her.

 - Miss (Y/N)? 

- Yes, Qiqi? - (Y/N) said and let down the watering can.

- Do you know how to play tag? - Qiqi asked. 

- Yes, I do. Why? You want me to play? - said (Y/N) 

- No. Mr. Baizhu asked me to ask you to play. - she said simply. 

-Qiqi! - Baizhu blushed and looked away.

- Oh? Is that so? - (Y/N) smiled. - Baizhu, you're it!

Baizhu got surprised but, in no time, he was running after (Y/N). She laughed as ran away from him and he smiled at the sound of her laughter. 

Some time later, Qiqi was sitting on the floor, arms crossed and pouting. This had gone from tag to (Y/N) and Baizhu chasing eachother. 

Baizhu was currently it and he was already panting. (Y/N) was also getting tired, but somehow she still had energy to outrun him. Suddenly, Baizhu jumped on her and tackled her to the ground, falling on top of her in the process. 

The two kept laughing, until eventually they stopped.

They became aware of the position they were in. Baizhu was pining (Y/N) to the ground, but they didn't mind the slightest. It was comfortable for them.

(Y/N) looked at Baizhu's eyes. They were so beautiful... so deep... His accelerated breath from chasing her... the faint blush on his cheeks...

Baizhu looked at (Y/N). Her smile... her (E/C) eyes... her rising and falling chest from running away from him...

Somehow, it clicked, and they both started to close distance between their faces. Their lips were about to lock when they heard a slurping noise.

- Qiqi! I told you to be quiet! - said Yanfei's frustrated voice said. 

Qiqi was looking unabashedly at them, while drinking coco milk. Yanfei was sitting crosslegged next to her.

- I apologize. - said Qiqi. - Please, continue.

Baizhu blushed and quickly got off (Y/N). (Y/N) blushed as well and sat up. Yanfei clicked her tongue and got up. 

- Dinner is ready, you two. - she said grumpily. 

(A/N) Things are getting ✨️interesting✨️

(Or so I hope :) )

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