chapter 19

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The dreaded day had come. 

(Y/N) had to leave for Sumeru in the evening and Yanxin had come by to say bye to her, in the morning.

- (Y/N), be careful. - he said softly. 

- Don't worry, Yanxin. Childe is with us and Zhongli's shield is invincible. - she smiled.

- I don't trust Childe. - he sighed. 

- Yanxin, ple-

- (Y/N), listen. - he said sternly. - It's not because he's a flirt. I don't know if you know, but he's a Fatui Harbinger.

(Y/N)'s face went pale and she frowned.

- Well, I think we can trust him. I mean... - she said. - Zhongli hired him and Hu Tao's with us.

- Those Harbingers can change their mind at the slightest change of events. - sighed Yanxin. - Just be careful, hm?

He patted her head and ruffled her hair, before walking towards the door.

- Wait, who told you? - asked (Y/N), before he could exit.

- Father. - he said darkly and went out of the room.

(Y/N) sighed and sat on the couch, picking up a book to read.

Some time later, Qiqi came up to her and asked her to braid her hair. 

- Sure. - (Y/N) smiled, sat on the floor and patted the space in front of her. - Sit here.

Qiqi obeyed and sat cross-legged in front of (Y/N), who started brushing her hair first. She was nervous, but this was relaxing. 

Baizhu was watching them from a distance, sitting at the kitchen table. He sighed and frowned.

- Hmm, why are you so down? - asked Yanfei.

Yanfei had stayed with them since (Y/N) had collapsed at the ceremony. She was worried about her friend and helped Baizhu around in the house.

Baizhu looked at Yanfei and back at (Y/N).

- Ohh, you're already missing her, aren't you? - smiled Yanfei and sat opposite him.

- I can't get her out of my head. - muttered Baizhu and put his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. - It's like a drug.

- She's like a drug, you mean. - Yanfei chuckled. - But, that means you like her, am I right?

- Why hide the truth? - hissed Baizhu and took off his glasses. - I don't like her, I love her. I love everything about her, but it's just frustrating!

- What's frustrating? - Yanfei tilted her head.

- Every time I get the courage to make a move, something has to happen to prevent me from doing it. - he glared at Yanfei who looked away.

- It was totally Qiqi's fault that time. - she said. 

- It's okay. - he sighed. - I want to tell her, but how?

- Let me give you an advice. - Yanfei smiled and beckoned him closer. She started whispering things in his ear, while covering her mouth with her hand.


In the evening, (Y/N) already had her things packed. She was wearing her travelling cloak and she was waiting for Zhongli, Hu Tao and Childe to pick her up. She sat in the garden, waiting...

Some time later, Baizhu came with two lunchboxes and put one on her lap, sitting next to her. He smiled at her thanks and he opened it. Yanfei had helped him prepare (Y/N)'s favourite food and his smile just widened as her eyes shone in delight.

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