chapter 18

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(Y/N) was unable to talk to Baizhu after their almost-kiss. Everytime they looked at eachother, they blushed and looked away. But, eventually, they both calmed down and they could talk normally, as always. 

The date in which (Y/N) was going to go to Sumeru was approaching and Baizhu was getting more and more nervous. He wanted to tell (Y/N) what he felt so badly that his heart ached, but he couldn't muster the courage. If only Qiqi had kept it down, maybe it would have worked and naturally they'd be together, but nooooo. 

He sighed and adjusted his glasses as he watched (Y/N) watering the flowers some days later. 

- Well, well, having a sneak peek, aren't we? - said a hissing voice.

- Changsheng, shut up. - muttered Baizhu. - It's not exactly sneaky isn't it? I think she is full aware that I'm looking at her.

- Are you saying something, Baizhu? - (Y/N) asked loudly. 

- I'm talking to Changsheng, sorry. - he replied.

- Oh, okay! - she nodded and kept watering the flowers. 

The snake slithered onto his shoulders as always and sighed pleasantly.

- Ah, your shoulders are very comfortable, Baizhu. - she said. - I'm sure (Y/N) would say the same.

- Haha, very funny.  Anyways, where have you been? - asked Baizhu, glaring at her. 

- With Qiqi. Hiding from Hu Tao. And from you two. - said Changsheng. - Your love-bird energy makes me sick.

- That's rude. - said Baizhu, frowning. - At least I'm getting somewhere, unlike you. All the snake-men slithered away from you, didn't they?

Changsheng's eyes narrowed.

- You keep your mouth shut, you're just cross (Y/N) and you didn't kiss last week. - she replied. - And for your information, one of them actually asked me for what shampoo I used for my scales.

- Yeah, because you don't wash them at all. - said Baizhu, stung.

They continued bickering.

(Y/N) found it adorable, how Baizhu was arguing with his snake. It was ridiculously cute, how he pouted and how he blushed at the mention of her name.

 Of course she was aware Baizhu was staring at her all day. She could feel his eyes all over her. But she also stared at him, so she couldn't blame him. She loved how his eyes lit up when he saw her or how he smiled when she talked to him. She also had a crippling obsession with watching him read or write. Better said, she liked how serious his face was when he was concentrated. It made him more handsome for her. 

She let the watering can down and walked over to a swing Baizhu had in the garden for Qiqi. She sat on it and watched how Baizhu continued bickering with Changsheng, Baizhu teasing Changsheng for being single and Changsheng teasing Baizhu for being desperate. 

At one moment, they got so angry at eachother that Changsheng tried to bite Baizhu and Baizhu grabbed her and threw her away, immediatily running towards (Y/N).

- She wants to kill me! - he shouted like a little kid and climbed up the tree. 

(Y/N) chuckled and Changsheng slithered towards them and hissed at Baizhu.

- Come back down, you green-haired monkey! - she shouted. 

Baizhu pulled a face at her and she scowled.

- (Y/N)! Help me up. - Changsheng said.

- No! (Y/N)! Don't! - said Baizhu.

(Y/N) smirked evily.

- Why shouldn't I? - she said.

- (Y/N)! Please! - Baizhu whined.

- (Y/N)! Help me up! - said Chnagsheng even more loudly.

(Y/N) reached down and Changsheng slithered on her hand, cackling. Baizhu gave a small yelp and got off the tree hazardly and fell.

 - Baizhu! - said (Y/N) warily and kneeled next to him. - Baizhu, are you okay?

Baizhu opened his eyes slightly and said with a normal voice.

- Haha, you fell for it. - he teased.

- Changsheng, bite him from me, will you? - said (Y/N) glaring at Baizhu.

- Sorry, sorry! - Baizhu said quickly and sat up, adjusting his glasses.

He laughed and scratched the back of his head. 

- Now, that I think about it... - said (Y/N)

- Hmm?

- Can I try your glasses on? - she asked, smiling.

Baizhu blushed. She wanted to try his glasses on. He found this cute and it would be nice to see her in them. 

- Sure. - he took them off and gave them to her, their fingers touching in the process.

She carefully put them on and adjusted them. She then looked at Baizhu. Her eyes seemed bigger, which gave her an innocent look. Baizhu smiled and adjusted them a bit more, just to feel her hair behind her ears.

- Ah, beautiful. - he said and brushed some stray locks from her face, which made her blush.

- Uhhh, Baizhu, may I remind you you're not wearing glasses? - said Changsheng.

(Y/N) glared at the snake and so did Baizhu.

- That was very rude. - scolded Baizhu. - Maybe your taste is a bit off.

- Oh, I'm not talking about (Y/N). She looks great alright. - said Changsheng calmly. - It's you. You look like a wombat.

(Y/N) snorted and covered her mouth with her hands and Baizhu blushed. 


Before supper, Baizhu was weirdly silent. 

- Is something on your mind? - asked (Y/N), putting a hand on his arm.

- Do I really look that bad with my glasses off? - he asked quietly.

(Y/N) looked at Changsheng, who was around Yanfei's shoulders and chatting with her, while finished cooking the food.

- Well, if you want my opinion, then no. You look absolutely great with or without glasses. If you want Changshengs opinion... well, you already heard it. - she smiled. 

Baizhu smiled back and put his hand on top of hers. He started inching closer and (Y/N) kept her eyes on his, so he took it as a green light. Just as he had gathered the courage to finally kiss her, they heard Yanfei.

- The food is ready! 

Baizhu sighed as (Y/N) walked away to eat. He bit his lip and cursed under his breath. 

- Baizhu! - Yanfei called again.

- Coming. 

(A/N) So, for those who simp for a certain Oni named Arataki Itto, just head to my profile to see a surprise. 

And also, sorry not sorry for the almost-kiss again. >:)

Intertwined Snakes // BAIZHU X READERWhere stories live. Discover now