chapter 20

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They arrived at Port Ormos in the morning. Hu Tao was jumping up and down while the boat arrived to port. Zhongli and Childe came out of their room and (Y/N) waved at them.

- Ugh, the beds are damn uncomfortable. - Childe stretched and groaned.

- The beds? - Hu Tao asked. - Did you try one that wasn't yours? 

Childe stuck her tongue at her and Zhongli blushed very slightly. The four waited until the boat had anchored in the port. They took their bags and sat on a bench.

- First, we're going to the Akademiya to meet up with Tighnari. - said Zhongli. - It's dangerous to go alone in the rainforest without any knowledge about Sumeru. 

- Aren't you so very smart? - asked (Y/N) smiled. 

- Yes, but I prefer we have an expert with us. - Zhongli said. - We have someone waiting for us to take us to Sumeru city. Ah, there she is. 

- Heya, you must be Zhongli, right? - came up a dark skinned woman. 

She wore a red top and robot-like armour on her arm. Her eyes were blue and her brown hair had blond parts. 

- You must be Dehya, then. - Zhongli greeted her. 

- Yep, that's me. - she smiled. - Nice to meet you. Who're your friends?

- I'm Childe. - waved Childe and flashed a smirk.

- I'm Hu Tao, nice to meet you! - Hu Tao shook Dehya's hand energetically.

- I'm (Y/N).- (Y/N) gave a small bow.

- Nice, I'm Dehya. - she waved at them.

The five started their way towards the Akademiya. Somewhere at midday, they stopped at Vimara Village to eat. 

- Eurgh! - said Childe after taking a bite of the food. - It's hella spicy!

- It is? - said Dehya and took a bite as well. - Tastes fine to me.

- Yeah! It's very good! - said Hu Tao.

(Y/N) smiled. She had taken something not so spicy and thanked herself for it.

- So, you say you're an Eremite, Dehya? - asked (Y/N).

- Yep. - Dehya nodded.

- Ooooh, do you want a coffin discount?! - asked Hu tao. - I heard you Eremites die a lot!

Dehya blinked.

- Uuuh, no, thanks.

Some time later, they continued their way to Sumeru City. Zhongli asked Dehya about local flowers and she laughed and said she only knew about Hennah Fruits and cacti.


- Oh, you must be Zhongli, Ms. Hu and your assistants. - said a guy with long animal ears. 

They had arrived to Sumeru City and they met him in front of the Tavern. He said his name was Tighnari and he had been a Scholar in the Akademiya. He also said he lived in Gandharva Ville and told us a bit about the rainforests in Sumeru.

- There are also some divine beings called Aranara, but that's just a myth. - he said as we walked towards the Village.

- What do they look like? - (Y/N) asked curiously.

- Hmmm, I suppose like small cabbages with wings. - Tighnari shrugged. - You said your name's (Y/N), right?

- Yep, why?

- My apprentice, Collei, would be glad to meet you. - he said and smiled. - It would be very kind of you if you helped her with the witherings.

- Tighnari, we need her safe. - said Zhongli. - She's, uhhhh, wanted by a very bad person.

- Trust me, she's safe with Collei. And witherings are in very difficult places to reach. - Tighnari said. - And also, Collei needs friends and well...

- Sure, I'll be her friend! - (Y/N) smiled. 

Zhongli smiled at her kindness and sighed.

- Okay, fine. - he shrugged.


Collei and (Y/N) instantly clicked and became friends. Together, they started reading books about local flora in Sumeru rainforests, while Zhongli, Hu Tao and Childe went out to look for a place to stay. Collei offered (Y/N) to stay in her room and (Y/N) accepted. Tighnari agreed and Zhongli also did, but begrudgingly. 

Before going to sleep, (Y/N) sighed sadly while taking out a picture of her friends. She had brought one for each friend she had. She stared maybe a bit too much at Baizhu's one and Collei noticed.

- Oh, is that your boyfriend? - she asked.

- Not exactly. - (Y/N) shook her head. - I think he has a crush on me.

- So? - Collei tilted her head. - You don't?

- No, I like him very much, too. - (Y/N) blushed slightly. -  But I don't know how to react to his signals.

- Hmmm, couple problems... - Collei nodded. - Well, there's a couple in Sumeru City that could help you. 

- Really? - (Y/N) looked up. - Then I'll have to speak to them.

- Oh, yes. -Collei smiled and nodded. - They are Master's friends from his studies in the Akademiya. And, (Y/N)...

- Hmm?

-I hope you're not homophobic.


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