chapter 21

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The next day, Collei woke (Y/N) up. She smiled at (Y/N).

- Master Tighnari says breakfast is ready. - she said and went sat near her legs. -How did you sleep?

- Very well, thank you. - smiled (Y/N) and sat up. - What are the plans for today?

- Well, I thought of going to Sumeru city. - said Collei. - We could go to the library of the Akademiya and read up on plants. And we could meet the couple I told you about yesterday.

- Sure! - (Y/N) got up and went with Collei where Tighnari was waiting for them.

Tighnari was talking to Zhongli, who was nodding in understanding. 

- Master Tighnari! - said Collei. - (Y/N) and I want to go to the city.

- Hm? Yes? -Tighnari tilted his head. - Collei, you know it's dangerous for you to go alone...

- I'm with (Y/N), not alone. - Collei pouted. 

- But does (Y/N) know how to fight? - asked Tighnari.

- Umm, I know a bit of archery... - said (Y/N). - My mother taught me how to aim as a child.

- Do you have a bow? - Tighnari raised an eyebrow.

- No. - admitted (Y/N).

- I have a spare one. - suggested Collei quickly.

Tighnari sighed.

- Fine, you two can go. But tell Alhaitham to send me a letter when you're about to leave. - he said. - I'll pick you up. 

- Yes! - Collei cheered and took (Y/N)'s hand. 


Collei and (Y/N) were out of the house ten minutes later. Collei had given (Y/N) more comfortable clothes to walk around Sumeru. They were lighter, but they had a lot of coverage to avoid sunburns. She also lended her bow to (Y/N).

The two girls started their way out of Ghandarvha Ville. 

"Thank Pinyin Collei gave me these clothes" thought (Y/N) "it's hot as hell." 

 When they got out of the Village, Collei started explaining how dendrogranum work.

- See those constructs there? - she pointed to a small stump. - If you get closer, some dendrogranum are going to appear and you can infuse things with dendro. It's like having a vision!

 -  But you already have one, don't you? - asked (Y/N).

- Yeah... but before I had it, it felt super cool! - Collei said ceerfully. - You should try it!

- But, what about Sumeru City? - (Y/N) tilted her head. 

-We'll have time for that later. - Collei nudged her. - You're staying her for a week, right? We can go more times, if we don't have time today.

(Y/N) smiled and touched the stump. Three little green round crystalfies appeared around her. She tried to touch one but it was like a ghost, without a physic form. 

- Now... try to hit that dendro bullseye. - Collei pointed at it. - It will unlock a chest, if we're lucky!

(Y/N) aimed at it with the bow and when she shot, the little crystalfly darted after the arrow. She hit the bullseye and it glowed brighter. A small noise of something getting unlocked sounded and a chest appeared behind them. 

-Oooh! - Collei opened it and they saw a small bag of mora, a goblet, a flower and a very beatiful bow. - You can keep those, I already have a bow. I think this one is better than the one I gave you.

- Thank you. - (Y/N) smiled and put all of the things in a bag Collei had given her. 

- Come on, try the new bow! - Collei said excitedly.

(Y/N) aimed at a sunsettia on a tree and shot. It sunk in the middle of it and some of it juices fell to the ground. 

- Wow. - she said. - This bow is great!

- I'm jealous now. - laughed Collei. - Come on, let's go. Maybe you can buy a present for Baizhu in Sumeru City with the Mora we just got.


They entered the Akademiya's library. It's shelves were bursting with books and scholars were reading, studying or researching.

- There should be some books on local flora on that side. - pointed Collei.

The two walked silently towards that area.

-... gly furniture again!! - a voice said angrily. - Are you fucking serious?!

- Kaveh, we're in a library. - said another voice.

- Ugh! You and your clever remarks! - said the other voice again.

Collei looked at (Y/N), whose eyes were wide. She smiled and gestured her to follow.

- I am just stating what is true. - said the other calm voice.

- Alhaitham!! Stop smarting around! - said the other.

- Hey, you two. - Collei interrupted them. 

A man with grey hair looked at them. He had turquoise eyes and wore a very tight black shirt. The other wore a white shirt and was blonde. He had red eyes that matched red decorations on his hair.

- Oh, hey, Collei! - said the blonde. -Who's your friend?

- This is (Y/N). - she smiled. - (Y/N) these are Alhaitham and Kaveh. The couple I was talking about.

Kaveh blushed and Alhaitham looked up. (Y/N)'s jaw dropped. 

- They're a couple?! -she said incredolously

- Correct. - nodded Alhaitham.

- Alhaitham! Stop telling everyone-

Alhaitham kissed him curtly on the lips and Kaveh fell silent blushing even more and smiling like an idiot. 

- Why are you seeking us? - he asked.

- Well, long story short...

Collei explained the situation to the two men. Alhaitham put his hand to his chin and Kaveh put a hand to his waist, thoughtfully.

- Hmm, you say he kissed your forehead... and tried to kiss you on the lips two times... - said Alhaitham.

- He definitely loves you. - said Kaveh and smiled. - When you get home, just tell him you like him too.

- I know, but it's hard! - whined (Y/N). 

- Wait, didn't he say the second part of the present would be when you come back? - asked Alhaitham. - Maybe he's planning to give you a proper kiss when you return to Liyue.

- Oooh! - Collei smiled and jumped up and down.

(Y/N) smiled. 


They got out from the Akademiya after  getting enough advice from the two men. 

- Collei.

- Yes, (Y/N)?

- Why are dendro men all so gorgeous? - ashe asked.

Collei laughed.

(A/N) I'm going to try put the drawings of the (L/N) family in a separate Chapter because Wattpad doesn't let me here. And also...


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