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Hello lovely readers, hope you're all doing fantastic! I just wanted to drop a quick update - apologies for the delay, but I'm currently in exam mode and won't be able to upload the next chapter until after May 10th, 2024. I know, I know, it's a bummer! But I promise to dive back into the story soon and bring you the next installment. Thanks for your patience and understanding - wishing you all a wonderful few weeks, and I'll catch you on the flip side!"

Here are some additional lines you can use to update your readers:

Thanks for bearing with me during this brief hiatus - I'll be back to writing soon!

Wish me luck on my exams, and I'll see you all on the other side!

Stay tuned for more updates, and I'll be back to the story before you know it!

I'm looking forward to diving back into the story and sharing more with you soon

Take care, and I'll catch you all soon
But if you vote for the next episode I will upload next episode in 2-3 days but only if you vote for that.

Pray for my exams please 🥺

POSSESSIVE LOVE|18+Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora