II: AC 10

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5 months in

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5 months in...

Jungkook rubbed his forming bump as he walked with Kijeon.
"Hyung, she's growing too fast" Jungkook says as he watched their daughter walked away but not before waving them goodbye.
"I know, our cute little Kijeon has grown" Taehyung says as he wrapped an arm around Jungkook.

"Do you think our little one here will be as healthy as their older sister?" Jungkook asks and Taehyung smiled.
"Of course, why are you asking that? I'm taking good care of you and you're also doing the same, I'm sure they're healthy" Taehyung says as he puts a hand over Jungkook's bump, rubbing it.

"Stupid hormones" Jungkook says as he wiped his tears. Taehyung smiles and places a kiss over the younger's head and they walked back to the car.
"You have an appointment today, right?" Taehyung asks as they got in the car.

"Yup, you're coming with me right?" Jungkook asks and Taehyung chuckles.
"Of course, I'm going to come with you" Taehyung says and started the car.
"Can't wait for little one to start kicking" Jungkook says as he chuckled.

"Seems like your little one is doing all okay, along with Mr Kim" The doctor says as he finished with the ultrasound.
"Baby's heart beat is normal and everything seemed normal" The doctor explained everything that he had observed and gave them an updated sonogram.

"But still, since this is your second pregnancy, Mr Kim... And as we know alphas like you are rare, being careful is still needed" The doctor advised and Jungkook nodded.

"He looks so cute" Jungkook says as he stared at the sonogram. Their second baby is a boy.
"He does" Taehyung says as he places a kiss on Jungkook's head.

"See, nothing to worry about"

"I know"

"I know"

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